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Most of Solace is closed December 24–January 1 so our employees can spend time with their families. We will re-open Thursday, January 2, 2024. Please expect slower response times during this period and open a support ticket for anything needing immediate assistance.
Happy Holidays!
Please note: most of Solace is closed December 25–January 2, and will re-open Tuesday, January 3, 2023.
Exception : Closing Producer
Com.solacesystems.jms.solmessageproducer client - cancel called : Exception closing producer.
WeWe migrated to sol 10.x version recently started seeing this error frequently in debug mode. What is the possible issue and what are uts repercussions?
Hey @Manikanta532, can you please provide more context on your issue? how are you using the JMS API in your code to get this error? What version of the API were you on and what version have you changed this to? Without context on how this youre using the API it might be difficult to point out the issue.
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We Are using 10.x changed from 7.x version with spring 6 using java.
Any incidents on this issue prior and what are the possible causes ?
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Exact versions are 10.24 from 7.1.2
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@Tamimi Do you have any leads based on the versions provided , any one else reported a similar issue ?
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Hey @Manikanta532, your description isn't that helpful to narrow down why you're seeing the issue that you are.
You mentioned you are "seeing this error frequently in debug mode". What exactly does that mean? Is this a log that is being emitted by the API when running the logging set to DEBUG? If so, what logging level is the log being generated at? It it's only at DEBUG, then it doesn't sound like an error and instead an informational message from inside the API.
Or: is this being thrown as some exception when trying to publish? If so: what is the code block that is generating this exception? What is the connection status of the API to the broker? You might see this if your code is trying to close the producer object but have already disconnect/closed the sessison.
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Hi Aaron,
Yes, seeing it in Debug mode only.
Not generated during message sent.
Actually we have a OOM issue in one of the component where we upgraded spring to 6.1 , Spring boot 3.x, Solace to higher ones 10.24 then we observed this error. If it's for information purpose we should be good.
Thank you
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When does this log occur then? When the applicaiton is shutting down..?
For your OOM issue, did you resolve that? Is it caused by Solace..? Since Java automatically garbage collects, this shouln't occur from JMS messages unless you're storing every message sent/received in some data structure and not removing them.
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It happening some times before app/proxy node is shutting down, some time not. Issue is not resolved yet. We are not storing them anywhere