Spring Cloud Stream Batch Consumer and Batch Publisher using Function
Consumer spring.cloud.stream.bindings.receiveMessage-in-0.consumer.batch-mode=true spring.cloud.stream.solace.bindings.receiveMessage-in-0.consumer.batchMaxSize=255 spring.cloud.stream.solace.bindings.receiveMessage-in-0.consumer.batchTimeout=500 ### Publish messages to Topic…
Spring Cloud Stream | Batch | TPS | Tuning
In our micro service, we are using solace binder with SCS, during non-functional testing we found some differences in performance, Could you please help to understand. service - Processor is used. The TPS is approx 200 TPS. Function<Message<List<String>>, Collection<Message<SafeStoreObject>>> receiveMessage() The…
Spring Cloud Stream Solace - Manual Acknowledgement
The batch mode is working fine as i am able to receive the msgs as batch and publish as batch. Now, i am trying to manually acknowledge the messages. If no exception, update the database with success and then accept the message. Else, update the DB with error and then requeue the message. Function<Message<List<?>>,…
Spring Cloud Stream Batch Consumer and Batch Producer
Batch mode is true and batch size is 10. Still when we run the application with volumes of data, the batch size grows upto 75. Any suggestions on the below properties? Properties: spring.cloud.stream.bindings.receiveMessage-in-0.consumer.batch-mode=true…
Publish Confirmation when using batch publish of Spring Cloud Stream binder for Solace PubSub+
I was posed with the question of whether it would be possible to get publish confirmation with a Batch Publish operation when using Spring Cloud Stream binder for Solace PubSub+. The answer is Yes! Just that you would have to check on the correlation data in a separate thread. Here is a sample function, the last published…
Batch Mode Support on Spring Cloud Stream Solace Binder
We have an use case where in we need the consumer to receive a batch of messages and process them together as a unit and post it to an outbound topic. We want the batch to be acknowledged as a whole once the processing of batch is completed by the consumer. In spring cloud kafka binder we have a "batch-mode" functionality…
SMF sample for Batch/Transacted Send and Receive
Hi, I have a use case in which I have to send batch of 256 messages in a single local transaction. Also, on the consumer side I should receive all 256 messages in a batch and local transaction. Is there a Java (JCSMP) sample to do that? Please help. Thanks, Raghu