Pub-Sub+ Standard issues when starting the container
Hi everyone, I wanted to retry to set up a broker today over Oracle Linux and there's a new version of the PubSub+ Standard broker ( As I'm using Solace's GCP Quickstart guide to do my broker instantiations, I use the install script provided. Everything ran smoothly in the past, but not today. :) In this new…
Configuring the server certificate on PubSub Broker- Invalid certificate
Hi everyone, I'm having difficulties in configuring the broker's certificate correctly. I want to enable secure web messaging on a Oracle Linux VM that has a public IP. I installed a fresh Oracel Linux VM, installed Solace and everything is working correctly. As I also have a PubSub+ Cloud account, I tested it by sending…
SEMP : Can I get messages from a Queue or a topic with curl?
How do I get the actual messages from a Queue or a topic with the SEMP API? I used the SEMP (Action) documentation https://docs.solace.com/API-Developer-Online-Ref-Documentation/swagger-ui/action/index.html#/queue/getMsgVpnQueueMsgs and used this GET command to get messages from a queue. curl -X GET -u user:password…
cannot establish connection to broker after changing the client username
:/ I did the following first * created a client username with client profile = default and acl-profile = test-profile * The acle-profile (test-profile) has Client Connect Default Action=allow , publish = Publish Default Action, and Subscribe Default Action = disallow * the Subscribe Default Action has Exception =…
NOt able to see message content on Try-Me on Solace on docker
I have solace running on docker and have used JMS API to send message to a queue (the topic named "dt' is subscribed to queue named "que1'). The event is received through the code as 2020-05-03 20:34:30:300 [Topic dt] Delivery Mode: Persistent Sender Timestamp: 2020-05-03 20:34:12:510 Priority: 4 But the conntent of…
container startup exception
Booting up solace container on openshift. Getting this error. Where is it trying to write to ? Trying to track down permission denied error here.. /usr/sw/data <- is writeable by container user id (it's mounted in container as emptyVolume) Starting solace process2020-05-15T11:51:15.237+00:00 <local0.info>…