Solace fail-over test - affected consuming of event
Hi, While doing Solace fail-over test, once the test was initiated, the SolaceHealthIndicator Status change in following chronological order : DOWN -> RECONNECTING -> UP We didn't observed and pod restart. However, the consumer was in stale state, where no events were being consumed. Note that the event consumer health was…
Azure HA failover load balancer service issue
Greerings, I have an azure deployment where all 3 pods are up, redundancy, config-sync etc..., pod0, pod1 and pod2. We are using an azure load balancer service for clients to connect to smf ssl port. This works fine until pod0 goes down and pod1 is in charge. It looks like all the requests keep going to pod0 since it's pod…
Message is not sent to the error queue for retrying
stream: bindings: message-in-0: destination: mysubscriberqueue binder: some-binder group: somegroup consumer: pub-out-0: destination: myerrortopicname binder: some-binder group: somegroup retry-in-0: destination: myerrorqueuename binder: some-binder group: somegroup consumer: concurrency: 1 My usecase is - I have subscibed…
Authentication on reconnect?
I'm developing an application with the Java API. The application is a long running server. We are authenticating with username and password, and our passwords are rotated every twelve hours. It's not clear to me if sessions need to be reauthenticated on reconnection. If they do is there a way to update the PASSWORD in a…
Solace in typescript on node server
Hi we’ve implemented a solace topic subscriber on our node server with solclientjs. We currently working with requiring a js module to handle all the solace stuff and that works. But we’re looking to update this to tyoescript. Would be awesome if you can add @types not really typescript at the moment. Could not find a…
Solace HA Active/Standby Failover Test
Initial test, by referring to https://docs.solace.com/Configuring-and-Managing/Validating-Failover.htm#managing_router_redundancy_2753819523_330776. Manage to failover and able to see its messages flow. When 2nd attempt to test above scenario, from Primary Event Broker to Secondary Event Broker, it seem like the session…
Executing timed publisher retransmission
Hi, During a failover scenario from Primary to Standby (Solace processes are killed using kill -9), below statement is getting logged in Producer logs. Also, Primary's processes are restarted automatically after 20 seconds. Log entry: "Executing timed publisher retransmission." Could someone please help me understand the…
Solace Failover
I am using solace topic to send my message and session property in host has multiple comma separated ips (ip1:port1,ip2:port2).So in case of failover how do I know which IP I have connected to,i.e. which IP my message is sent to ?
Is timeout possible for subscriber to exclusive queue?
I'm looking for a way to timeout a stuck or stopped, not terminated subscriber to an exclusive queue on a VMR. What I've set on the session so far seems like not be sufficient: JCSMPProperties.MESSAGE_CALLBACK_ON_REACTOR, true MESSAGE_ACK_MODE, JCSMPProperties.SUPPORTED_MESSAGE_ACK_CLIENT…
Error with Client Certificate Authentication
Hi, I have enabled authentication for message-vpn to be client-certificate by following the instruction on the docs page. # commands usedenableconfiguremessage-vpn <vpn_name>authenticationclient-certificatevalidate-certificate-dateallow-api-provided-usernameno shutdown While using SDK Perf to test the SSL connectivity,…
Fail back to broker configuration for IPC clients
If you need to set up IPC connections, you introduce dependencies in application start-up order and availability: if your IPC listener isn't up when your connection initiator starts, you get a failure. To mitigate this, you might like the option of your IPC connection failing back to a broker connection. This ensures the…
What is the expected outcome if failover happens while replay is in progress
Hi, Consider a scenario where a Queue listener (JCSMP) is listening with CLIENT_ACK, typically a slow consumer processing the messages in the queue at a rate slower than producer in a guaranteed messaging approach with replay enabled. What happens if failover is triggered while replay is in progress on a slow consumer…
Role of monitoring node in HA group setup
Hi, What is the role of monitoring node in a HA Group (Primary/Standby) setup? It seems that clients are able to failover back and forth even though monitoring node is down. Thanks, Raghu
Potential missing message during failover in a HA group
Hi, In a failover test that I'm doing while both producer and consumer are participating in a guaranteed message delivery, I am seeing below exception in the Producer JCSMPStreamingPublishEventHandler.handleError() callback. Exception message: Transport exception occurred when message Id not available.…
Client side configuration when connecting to broker in HA setup
Hi, Is there any additional configuration that we need to use besides configuring below in the Producer/Consumer code in order to make sure it fails over to other when one fails or releases activity to other. properties.setProperty(JCSMPProperties.HOST, "HOST1,HOST2"); Thanks, Raghu