Error with Client Certificate Authentication

rdesoju Member Posts: 66

I have enabled authentication for message-vpn to be client-certificate by following the instruction on the docs page.

# commands used
message-vpn <vpn_name>
no shutdown

While using SDK Perf to test the SSL connectivity, seeing below error:

JAVA: /bin/java
SOLACE_VM_ARGS: -Xms512m -Xmx1024m
Run Info: CPU usage currently disabled.
Client naming used:
        logging ID   = router generated.
        username     = perf_client000001
        vpn          = default
        client names = sdk generated.

  VM Name: OpenJDK 64-Bit Server VM

Run Info: Using Java Nanosecond Timer for Timing

  Timing Package Clock Speed (Hz): 1000000000

Am I missing something, could someone please help?




  • uherbst
    uherbst Member, Employee Posts: 130 Solace Employee
    edited April 2020 #2

    The line with "Client Certificate Authenticate is supported only for SSL secured schemes" indicates, that you are not connecting to a SSL port (eg SMF over TLS or MQTT over TLS).
    What is your sdkperf-commandline ?
    What is the output of
    "show service" ?
    And always a good idea: Have a look at the broker event.log for any errors.

  • TomF
    TomF Member, Employee Posts: 412 Solace Employee

    Hi @rdesoju, looks like you're making progress, which is good. @uherbst has it right - you're connecting to the unencrypted broker port. By default, if you specify just the broker address with the -cip option to sdkperf, it connects to port 55555 - the unencrypted broker port. Try -cip


    address>:55443 which is the default encrypted port.

  • rdesoju
    rdesoju Member Posts: 66
    edited April 2020 #4

    Here is the command I'm using. Still seeing the same issue.

    ./ -cip=tcps://$broker_hosts -cu=@$vpn \
        -pt1=ssl/topic -mn=10000 -stl=ssl/topic -q -md \
        -sslks=$cert_keystore -sslksp=$ketystore_pass

    Also, I tried with and without port number in -cip switch. Default and non-default port numbers both throw the same error.
    Here is the show service command output:

    Msg-Backbone:       Enabled
      VRF:              management
      SMF:              Enabled
        Web-Transport:  Enabled
      REST Incoming:    Enabled
      REST Outgoing:    Enabled
      MQTT:             Enabled
      AMQP:             Enabled
      Health-check:     Enabled
      Mate-link:        Enabled
      Redundancy:       Enabled
    Max Incoming Connections:       100
      Service SMF:                  100
      Service Web-Transport:        100
      Service REST:                 100
      Service MQTT:                 100
      Service AMQP:                 100
    Max Outgoing Connections:
      Service REST:                 100
    Max SSL Connections:            100
    Event Threshold                           Set Value      Clear Value
    ---------------------------------- ---------------- ----------------
    Incoming Connections                        80%(80)          60%(60)
      Service SMF                               80%(80)          60%(60)
    Outgoing Connections
      Service REST                              80%(80)          60%(60)
    SSL Connections                             80%(80)          60%(60)
    Flags Legend:
    TP - Transport
    T+U - TCP and UDP
    ---Press any key to continue, or `q' to quit---
    S - SSL (Y=Yes, N=No, -=not-applicable)
    C - Compressed (Y=Yes, N=No, -=not-applicable)
    R - Routing Ctrl (Y=Yes, N=No, -=not-applicable)
    VRF - VRF (Mgmt=management, MsgBB=msg-backbone)
    A - Admin State (U=Up, D=Down, -=not-applicable)
    O - Oper State (U=Up, D=Down, -=not-applicable)
    Service    TP  S C R VRF   MsgVpn          Port  A O Failed Reason
    ---------- --- ----- ----- --------------- ----- --- --------------------------
    SEMP       TCP N - - Mgmt                   8080 U U
    SEMP       TCP Y - - Mgmt                    943 U U
    SMF        TCP N N N Mgmt                  55555 U U
    SMF        TCP N Y N Mgmt                  55003 U U
    SMF        TCP N N Y Mgmt                  55556 U D
    SMF        TCP Y N N Mgmt                  55443 U U
    SMF        WEB N - - Mgmt                     80 U U
    SMF        WEB Y - - Mgmt                    443 U U
    MQTT       TCP N - - Mgmt  default          1883 U U
    MQTT       TCP Y - - Mgmt  default          8883 U U
    MQTT       WEB N - - Mgmt  default          8000 U U
    MQTT       WEB Y - - Mgmt  default          8443 U U
    AMQP       TCP N - - MsgBB default          5672 U U
    AMQP       TCP Y - - MsgBB default          5671 U U
    REST       WEB N - - Mgmt  default          9000 U U
    REST       WEB Y - - Mgmt  default          9443 U U
    MATELINK   TCP N N N Mgmt                   8741 U U
    HEALTHCHK  TCP N N N Mgmt                   5550 U U
    REDUNDANCY TCP Y N N Mgmt                   8300 U U
    REDUNDANCY T+U Y N N Mgmt                   8301 U U
    REDUNDANCY T+U Y N N Mgmt                   8302 U U


  • rdesoju
    rdesoju Member Posts: 66

    Above mentioned SDK Perf command is working when the -cip switch is proivided with only one IP Address and port number broker_hosts=<ip1>:55443.
    However, if I give two ips and ports as mentioned initially it is still failing with the same error.

    Also, when I add below properties in my java smf code, it is still failing with same error as mentioned above:

                properties.setProperty(JCSMPProperties.HOST, "ip:55443");
                properties.setProperty(JCSMPProperties.SSL_VALIDATE_CERTIFICATE, true);
                properties.setProperty(JCSMPProperties.SSL_VALIDATE_CERTIFICATE_DATE, false);
                properties.setProperty(JCSMPProperties.SSL_TRUST_STORE, "./cacerts");
                properties.setProperty(JCSMPProperties.SSL_TRUST_STORE_PASSWORD, <passwd>);
                properties.setProperty(JCSMPProperties.SSL_KEY_STORE, "./client.keystore");
                properties.setProperty(JCSMPProperties.SSL_KEY_STORE_PASSWORD, <passwd>);

    So, only SDK Perf is working with single IP and port combination right now.
    Please help.


  • rdesoju
    rdesoju Member Posts: 66

    After some trail and error, I figured it out that java code needs HOST parameter in below format:

     properties.setProperty(JCSMPProperties.HOST, "tcps://<ip>:55443");

    So, How do we mention multiple hosts? does tcps://<ip1>:55443,tcps://<ip2>:55443 this work?