Spring Cloud Stream publishing messages
I have heard that SCS should no longer be used together with flux (flux destroys that: retry handling, error handling, transmission confirmation). With StreamBridge messages can be published. But in my opinion the StreamBridge is not quite consistent with the other declarative and functional handling of SCS. Are there…
Client username (sender id?)
Is there a way to get username of a sender of a message? As a consumer I want to know the name used to authenticate (basic or gss auth scheme) sender session. Obviously I dont want sender application to attach this as client can't be trusted so maybe VPN can attach this? I need this ID for further-more granular application…
Queue to Topic Mapping List For Solace VPN
We use Solace queue to topic subscription mapping extensively in our Solace Ecosystem and most of time Application is not aware about underling queue and whenever application face any issue they provide VPN name and topic to administration team to check ! Now from here main pain point begin, because we have multiple…
Using Selectors in Solace PHP SMF
Hello all, is there a way to use Message selectors in the PHP SMF library similar to the other Solace interfaces ( https://tutorials.solace.dev/jcsmp/message-selectors/ ) ? If not, do you have any other idea how we can easily receive messages via PHP using message selectors? Thanks a lot and best regards from Mannheim,…
Secure Connection on LocalHost (C API)
Hi, I am using the solace localhost to connect to my applications. I am able to do a default connection, but the secure connection is giving me an issue. I am running my localhost as: ./farePub tcps://localhost:55443 default admin admin topic ../ssl The error I am getting is: SDK NOTICE Thu Aug 19 18:47:26.741 2021…
[Weekly Quizzicles] Do Solace topics require to have multiple levels?
Which SolOs support 2 NTP Server (Active/Backup) configuration for Appliance !
Which SolOs support 2 NTP Server (Active/Backup) configuration for Appliance ? This is required for redundancy purpose, I know workaround but more interested to know if in recent SolOs we have such feature!
Solace Developer Spotlight: Heiko Henning
Hometown: Thun, Switzerland Years of being a developer: 18 years as a professional developer Primary programming language(s): Java, Typescript How did you start as a developer? I started as a classical web developer and turned more and more to enterprise software. What is your typical day like? As a messaging architect, I…
Where can I find release notes for SolaceSystems.SolClient.Messaging C# lib from onwards?
Sometimes having issues with the client I'm working on being a slow consumer. Using SolaceSystems.SolClient.Messaging and difficult to upgrade due to company policies. I want to know if there's any bug fixed in the client lib after this version regarding slow consumers. I tried looking for them, but I can't find…
[Weekly Quizzicles] What is one of the behavioral differences between topic endpoints and queues?
DIGITAL TWIN of a SOLACE APPLIANCE, Is it worth attempting?
I came to know about digital twin recently. Will it be wortth to implement the idea on any Solace appliance?
com.solacesystems.jcsmp.ClosedFacilityException: Tried to perform operation on a closed XML message
Hi, Can someone advise on below error ? com.solacesystems.jcsmp.ClosedFacilityException: Tried to perform operation on a closed XML message producer one of the publisher flow in our app sends only few messages in a day. Would keepAlive config solve this problem ? I already have reconnect config in place.
How to realise the application and event created in event portal?
Hi All, I have created application domain with various applications and event in solace portal. But I am not sure how to deploy and make these applications workable. Do we need deploy it somewhere.
Info log entry pollutinq application logs
I am in the process of evaluating Solace as an alternative to Kafka. Reason for this is that Kafka does not support XA transactions and in some scenarios we lost messages. I installed downloaded and managed to successfully start Solace message broker locally in aa docker container. One of our applications successfully…
[Weekly Quizzicles] When Replay is initiated on a queue, what happens?
Unable to get connection from spring boot application
I am in the process of evaluating solace as an alternative to Kafka which we use as an integration bus at the moment to connect our spring boot micro services. Reason Kafka does not support XA and we had situations when we were losing messages. I am running a solace docker container on port 8283 and I am able to connect to…
How does .Net(C#) Consumer obtain MessageID value? Tks.
No "MessageID" properties in SolaceSystems.Solclient.Messaging.IMessage. According to the documentation: This field is generated by the Solace platform and cannot be changed by the sending application I can saw messageID on the Solace message management site , messageID value is "18943221297" But I don’t know how to get…