Selectors in node js
I see that selectors are not available in javascript API Will this feature ever come to javascript ? What are some alternatives options for consuming messages based on specific message headers in javascript ?
How to achieve Topic + Queue mechanism using NodeJS & AMQP
Hello, I'm using NodeJS as my tech stack and created a Queue and that queue is subscribed to the topic. Mechanism: Publish a message to the topic and subscribe to the msg from the queue, basically Topic to Queue Mapping. Query: I want to build the above mechanism using the AMQP protocol with NodeJS. Tried Approach: I've…
handle Throw error in Pub/Sub Pattern in Javascript
Hello, I am trying to get my head around how error with a publisher in javascript. When I invoke a failed connection via false credentials the following code snippet is executed in the Publisher code: publisher.session.on(solace.SessionEventCode.CONNECT_FAILED_ERROR, function (sessionEvent) { publisher.log('Connection…
Solace Callback Message Operation Track - NodeJs +TypeScript
We have implemented the Solace in node js using SolaceClient Libraby and transfer the Data from API (Az Function using Node) to Solace System. Now, we are facing the challenges during Solace Acknowledgement or Error as all the messages return a call back event not Method return type. Can't handled the event and message as…
Sending large amount of guaranteed messages with nodejs
Hi, we want to send a large amount of guaranteed messages with nodejs. Our code is similar to https://github.com/SolaceSamples/solace-samples-nodejs/blob/master/src/basic-samples/ConfirmedPublish.js but without limited number of messages (we do not want to send 10 messages, but much more). After sending a few messages, we…
How to get back the message id after publishing a message on solace topic using nodejs
hi Members, i need help to get the message id immediately after publishing a message on topic using nodejs. i can publish a message but not sure how to get the message id back after publishing. i tried to search on the google but no luck. here is the code i am using to publish. code block : const solace =…
Garanteed Subscriber problem: "Emitter rejects listener for no-name event: undefined"
Hello everybody, I hope I am posting this on the correct Category, correct me otherwise. I am trying to subscribe a Solace Queue in order to get it's messages and redirect them to a specific endpoint which will later process it's information. For that, i've made a NODE JS service which uses the GaranteedSubscriber example.…
Missing Typescript declaration file from latest version
Hi, when installing the latest solclientjs package (10.12.0) via npm/yarn, there is no index.d.ts file in the package root. This results in Typescript complaining about a missing declaration. I have had to downgrade to 10.11.0.
How can I check session is connected or not (is session active/connected)? in solclientjs
Hi All, I do have few queries regarding the session lifespan in solclientjs lib. How can I check (periodically) session is active/connected or not? When connected using oauth2 and as soon as token expires then I see the session get disconnected, how does the client application get notified for disconnection instantly? I…
Getting INVALID_SESSION_OPERATION after some time interval in solclientjs package while publishing
Hi All, We are using solclientjs node package for publishing message in guaranteed queue in standalone broker. PS+ broker and Publisher client is in same Kubernetes cluster. The publihser is publising message in using web protocol on to 1443 port. After some time interval '''publisher.session.send(message);''' method…
Is it possible that publisher get notified when consumer consumes message from queue?
We are looking for scenario where publisher application needs to get notified when the consumer application consumes the message so we can start some process at publisher application. Both consumer and publisher are nodejs application.
Applying selectors in queue's outbound messages using SolClient.js
Hi, I have checked the SolClient documentation link, however I couldn't identify any way of applying selectors while consuming queues messages. I undertsand that applying selectors can make the consumption slower. But in our use case, the queue is subscribing to 6 topics. And I want the consumers to read only the specific…
Can OAuth authorization be used while using amqp10 package for amqps protocol to connect solace brok
In my nodejs based application I am trying to connect solace broker using amqps protocol and package I am using is **amqp10 ** however I am unable to connect it. As per the doc I am creating the uri as 'amqps://:@broker-host:5671?amqp.saslMechanisms=XOAUTH2'. But this is not working. Any suggestions? Please share if any…
Can Oauth be used with amqp10 lib?
I am connecting my nodejs based application to solace broker using OAuth & mqtts protocol. I am using solclientjs API and which is working perfect. Now I am trying to connect using amqps protocol in same application and using amqp10 package however I am unable to connect it. As per the doc I am creating the uri as…
Can durable queue be created in producer flow using solclientjs package in nodejs?
Does createDurableQueueDestination() method in solClientFactory creates durable queue if not exist in producer flow? var message = solace.SolclientFactory.createMessage(); message.setDestination(solace.SolclientFactory.createDurableQueueDestination(producer.queueName)); message.setBinaryAttachment(messageText);…
How to achieve message flow control in the node.js consumer for guaranteed messages?
We have a setup where our Node.js consumer app listens on a queue in a Solace PubSub+ broker. It forwards any messages received to another system in batches. As such, we do not have access to modify the queue configurations on the broker, and only the message consumer and session properties are under our control. Since the…
Solace consumers and producers connecting with diferent protocol
We have multiple microservices connecting to Solace for different message publish and subscribe requirements. There are some java runtime-based microservices connecting using JMS APIs (using sol-jms library or apache qpid JMS 2.0 library), whereas there are golang and nodejs based runtimes connecting to solace based on…
How to deploy a NodeJS consumer in Azure
Hi all, I have a consumer/producer NodeJS app I've created that connects to an event broker using the WebSocket protocol. The app on it's own works exactly how it's intended, but I'm unsure on how to deploy this in Azure. I attempted to use the App Service but the app keeps getting terminated and restarted. My assumption…
How can we send bulk messages using nodejs?
I am sending around 100 messages with confirmed delivery. But Acknowledgement is delayed because of which I get OperationError: Guaranteed Message Window Closed after sending 50 messages. Is there a way to send more number of messages with guaranteed delivery? Code:…
Using NodeJS to "eavesdrop" on Microgateway messages
Hi there, I have a Microgateway set-up and I'm trying to eavesdrop/ audit messages using NodeJS but I'm encountering some apparent limitations with the API. How is it possible for me to access HTTP Content-Type, Content-Encoding, Accept-Encoding headers using NodeJS? It's common for REST payload to be encoded using gzip,…