How to enable TLS connection in spring boot?
Hello everyone, I have successfully integrated queue communication in solace with spring boot but I'm facing an issue. I want to make it such that any client without a valid certificate (jks) is not allowed to connect even if the credentials are valid. It seems that the default settings allow anyone with credentials to…
TLS port not working after TLS enabling on a deployed Solace Broker
Hello, I have deployed a Solace Broker software helm chart which I've found on artifact hub -> There I have accessed a "Default values" section where I have downloaded a yaml configuration file in order to adjust it according to my needs. As a default setting we have a disabled TLS property (image below) -> At this point…
How do i enable tls on aws eks?
I have been working on to enable tls. I have tried creating the certificate from awspca.cert-manager.io and updated the changes while installing the helm chart. Like the secret name which has this tls.key and tls.cert Apart from these two changes do i need to do anything else to get tls/ssl at level level 7 not on level 4.…
Python TLS Connection Reset By Peer
I'm a bit at loss here, Solace shows everything is ready to accept TLS connections but it refuses with the following error on the client side: solace.messaging.errors.pubsubplus_client_error.PubSubPlusCoreClientError: {'caller_description': 'do_connect', 'return_code': 'Not ready', 'sub_code':…
Connecting Solace using Python with TLS
Hi @Tamimi , kindly help with below connection error whether certificates are not loading or need to do changes in code. from solace.messaging.messaging_service import MessagingService, RetryStrategy from solace.messaging.config.transport_security_strategy import TLS from solace.messaging.config.authentication_strategy…
Monthly Feature Highlight Training | July 2022
This Monthly Feature Highlight is coming just in time for Solace PubSub+ 10.0.1, which not only brings a bunch of great new under the hood features that you don't need to worry about configuring, but also some wonderful compatibility and security features for our syslogs. Sign up to Solace Academy to get access to our July…