SDK Warning while using Solace C API
Hello everyone, I am new to using Solace. I am trying to execute the sample HelloWorldPub and HelloWorldSub applications as downloaded from the Solace C API. When I try to run them, I get the following output: HelloWorldPub: HelloWorldPub initializing... SDK WARNING Fri Jan 29 16:47:17.960 2021 solClientSSL.c:2264…
JMS With Proxy
I cannot seem to find a way to use the Solace Java JMS library to create a client that will connect to an existing publisher outside my company network. The documentation seems to allude to being able to set a SOCKS5 proxy in the host property, but when I try to do that, I receive an error that there are too many colons in…
sdkperf file input format
Hi, I am trying to test my application with sdkperf to control the number of messages published per second and I am finding the sdkperf_c tool very useful, however the documentation doesn't explain clearly how to structure the text file when using the -sdm option. I would like to send a message containing a string, and…
"Request reply guaranteed messaging using Solace C Api" along with Timeout.
Hi Team, I went through this link "https://docs.solace.com/API-Developer-Online-Ref-Documentation/c/ex_2_r_r_guaranteed_requester_8c-example.html" . The link shows a way of doing it but is there any other way? I came to know about "RRGuaranteedRequestor" and "RRGuaranteedReplier". I want to create a functionality which…
Which IOT Edge gateway product did you mention during the Solace EMEA community event?
This is a question for @TomF
GARBAGE CHARACTER getting added in messages received in Request/Reply messaging method.
Hi Team, I am using request and reply mechanism to send and receive messages. After I have sent the message, in the receiving Callback method i found that a garbage character is getting added at the end of the message. So on receiving the message, i am getting the garbage character, Following is the way i am sending…
Message throttling from a solace queue
Hi, I am running 2 instances of my applications with 3 message consumers, each consuming messages from the same queue, using solace-spring-cloud-bom version 1.1.1. ie total 6 consumers 3 from each instance. My issue is that when I publish large number of messages to this queue, the messages are not equally distributing to…
Exceeding max queue spool blocks publishers?
If a client creates a queue with a topic subscription and then does not consume the queue for whatever reason, it will eventually reach its max spool usage. At this point anyone attempting to publish guaranteed messages to that topic will fail. Is there any way to prevent this publishers from being impacted in this…
Solace and Boomi - Acknowledgement process
Hi, I need some guidance and help regarding acknowledgement process of Solace. 1.I have Boomi process which gets input (payload) from external system and sending xml to Solace topic.Here how to acknowledge the source system the message is received in Solace in success. What settings are to be done in Solace Pubsub +…
Configuring Max Message TTL with the JCSMP Client?
When provisioning a queue with the JCSMP client, the EndpointProperties object contains the setRespectsMsgTTL(), but there doesn't seem to be a way to configure the max message TTL. Am I missing how to do this?
null payload close the consumer flow receiver
Hi All, I am using cloud stream lib for message consuming from solace. If the inbound message has 'null' payload, then InboundXMLMessageListener.xmlMessageMapper.map(bytesXMLMessage) throws SolaceMessageConversionException. And as a result, it ends with "Closing flow receiver to destination ...". And no further messages…
JCSMP: Disconnect flow consumer from Queue to make possible other to connect
Hi. I need to unbind flow consumer from queue to make possible to run other app for connecting to the same queue.
Solace .NET API
Hi, I am able to connect Solace through Solace API from C# and I have a query whenever I consume messages it reads one message at a time. If we have more than 1000 messages at a time do we have any properties to set how many messages to consume at a time? or we need to loop to the count of messages in the queue.? Could…
Any reference on how to map RabbitMQ patterns to Solace patterns
Hi, I am looking out for any reference material which describes how to migrate a messaging solution from RabbitMQ to Solace? For example, RabbitMQ describes certain messaging patterns @ https://www.rabbitmq.com/getstarted.html , what I am looking for is a short guide which helps map these patterns and how to realize them…
We're looking for a Developer Advocate in India!
Hey Solace Community! We're looking to hire a new Developer Advocate to join our cool awesome team 😎 The location we are looking for is India; preferably Bangalore, Karnatak. Let us know if you are interested of know someone who would fit our team The job posting is here https://solace.bamboohr.com/jobs/view.php?id=241…
MQTT 5.0 Support 🎉
PubSub+ Early Access Broker now supports MQTT v5.0! With this new support, the broker will automatically determine whether the client is speaking MQTT v3.1 or MQTT v5.0. Some of the new features you will be able to have access to with this support is: * Assigned Client ID * Determine content type so that message consumers…
Happy New Year everyone! 🎉
To all Solace colleagues, customers, and users: Happy 2021! All the best for an event-filled and event-driven year! 😁