Max TTL for DMQs
I just bumped into this issue. We are replacing ActiveMQ with Solace for multiple customers so we somehow must implement this. It appears that Solace does not support this, see https://docs.solace.com/Configuring-and-Managing/Configuring-Queues.htm#Configur21. Is there any workaround for this? We want to automatically…
Unable to set Max Permitted Message Size to 30 MB in Solace via API, as well as, manually
Hi, we found that "Max Permitted Message Size" always reset to 10 MB when we tried to update it to a bigger size like 30 MB manually on the UI. When updating it via API, we received "Message Size Out Of Range" OperationErrorException. (Note in both case, we are using the admin account against the latest software version of…
Replay log is not configured and you do not have permission to create replay log.
Hi Team, I am new to Solace and started exploring and using as Enterprise messaging bus in our organization from last 1 year, Message: Replay log is not configured and you do not have permission to create replay log. Could you please help me enable the reply log. @marc @Tamimi Note: I am using Standard developer edition…
Solace JMS transport errors.
I am using IBM IIB Java compute node using Java JMS API along with Solace jms api to send messages on Solace topics. It was working fine for few intefaces with lower volumes. A newly added interface has high volume and we are seeing few messages failing due to below JMS exception and replays are working fine. Can you…
Maximum number of Semp V2 calls at a time?
We have 3000+ queues in a appliance. We would like get all the queues information in JSON. We have a Python application Which makes SEMP V2 GET call to get all these queue information. Is it okay to issue concurrent SEMP v2 GET calls to the appliance ? I believe appliance will process the API call one after the other. We…
PubSub+ broker
Hi. Can anyone guide me how to setup pubsub+ software in private aws cloud.
Browse Message Payloads in Queues
Dear Team, Could anyone please share the best possible approach to view the content of the messages queued in solace queues/topics. 1) Do we have any solace apis available to view the message payload? 2) Is it possible via CLI? Please suggest any better approaches. Thanks, Vempati
Reprocess messages from Dead Message Queue
Hi Team, We have developed a code which consumes messages from a Solace Queue and publishes to a weblogic JMS Queue after conerting the JSON message to XML. For the error handling part, we are publishing the failed message to a Dead message queue when the target is unreachable. Once the target is up and running, we want to…
How to know total number of Endpoints are present in msgVpn via SEMP V2 ?
Is there any way to query(SEMP V2) to get: 1) Total number(count) of queues in a given msgVpn? 2) Total number of subscriptionTopics in a queue? 3) Total number of TopicEndpoints in a given msgVpn?
How to use where condition in SEMP V2 for subcripticTopics?
http://xx.x.xx.x/SEMP/v2/config/msgVpns/xxxxx-xxxx-xx/queues/xxx_xxx_xxx_Xxxx/subscriptions?where=subscriptionTopic==SLOG//* --> 400 error -->Cannot query an ancestor http://xx.x.xx.x/SEMP/v2/config/msgVpns/xxxxx-xxxx-xx/queues/xxx_xxx_xxx_Xxxx/subscriptions?where=subscriptionTopic==#SLOG// -->200 but empty response…
How to use where condition in SEMP V2 for subscriptionTopic
http://xx.xx.xx/SEMP/v2/config/msgVpns/xx.xx.xx.xx/queues/xx.xx.xx/subscriptions?where=subscriptionTopic==#SLOG// http://xx.xx.xx/SEMP/v2/config/msgVpns/xx.xx.xx.xx/queues/xx.xx.xx/subscriptions?where=subscriptionTopic==#*…