SolAdmin worked fine for years but after an upgrade I’m getting the error “cannot find javaw”.

hong Guest Posts: 480 ✭✭✭✭✭

As of version 8.17, SolAdmin no longer comes bundled with a Java Runtime Environment. Please ensure Java 8 (1.8) or later is installed on the platform where SolAdmin will run.

The specific error indicates that "javaw.exe" is not in the system PATH environment variable. Please follow below steps to add the path to java to the system PATH in Windows:

  1. Navigate to Control Panel -> System.
  2. Click "Advanced system settings" on the left panel to bring up "System Properties" window
  3. Click "Environment Variables" to bring up the "Environment Variables"
  4. Select system variables "Path" and click Edit.
  5. In the "Edit environment variable" window, add the path to the java installation directory

Once the java directory is added to the system PATH environment variable, please verify whether java binary can be found from a command prompt: java -version

It should show the java version.

Once this is verified, please try to launch SolAdmin again.

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