Learning Path for "Developer Practitioner" certifications

giri Member, Administrator, Employee Posts: 112 admin
edited April 2022 in General Discussions #1

Role of a "Developer" in building EDA

The role of a Developer in modern times goes beyond the piece of code produced and run in a silo. The resulting module could be the crucial cog in the wheel that keeps business running smoothly. On that basis, considerations on aspects beyond the code and choices around design, architecture, and tools become critical. Above all, the design and implementation to fulfill non-functional requirements start in the development phase itself.

A Developer has to have intimate knowledge of the approach and technique to implement a solution. However, they also need to know macro elements such as architecture, integration modes, employed patterns, and tools - so that delivered code/components augurs well with the rest of the system.

Few things the developers have to absorb before writing the first line of code:

  • Practise the "event-driven" thinking
  • Familiarize with the planned integration patterns
  • Master the message-exchange patterns
  • Make the best use of features, tools, and frameworks of the EDA platform

This post consolidates useful resources available on various Solace sites (website, blog, documentation, and youtube) for you to review and familiarize anytime during the preparation for Solace Developer Practitioner certification.

Solace Academy

Solace Academy offers numerous byte-sized training modules on specific topics that can help you as a Developer to explore Solace PubSub+ Platform, components and features. Here is a list of such modules for your reference.

Developer Journey to EDA

The following document captures the first-hand experience of a developer's journey into EDA - covering origins, evolution, and the current state. This document is a good starting point and a must-read.

A Guide for the Developer’s Journey to Event-Driven Development

Mastering Solace Essentials

Content Type
Event Driven Architecture
Replicating the Success of REST in Event-Driven Architecture Blog
Why You Have to be Ready for Event-Driven Architecture Video
From SOA to EDA: The Evolution of Enterprise Architecture in Financial Services Blog
Event-Driven Architecture Myth Busting — Part 1: Five Common EDA Claims Blog
Event-Driven Architecture Myth Busting — Part 2: Five More EDA Claims Blog
Designing Your Event-Driven Architecture Documentation
Understand, Manage, and Enhance Your Event-Driven Architecture Lifecycle Documentation
Migrating to an Event-Driven Architecture Documentation
What is an event? Article
What is Event-Driven Architecture? Article
Anatomy of a Message Documentation
Simplify Your Journey to Becoming Event-Driven with PubSub+ Platform Video
How Event-Driven Architecture Helps Businesses Thrive in the Digital Economy Blog
Event Streams
What is an Event Streaming Platform? Blog
Comparing event streaming platforms and technologies for EDA Blog
20 Event and Data Streaming Requirements for Your Business Whitepaper
What is an Event Streaming Platform? Blog
Events vs Messages
Anatomy of a Message Documentation
What is Messaging? Documentation
Core Messaging Concepts Documentation
Event Channels
Understanding Solace Endpoints: Queues vs. Topic Endpoints Blog
PubSub+ Event Portal Overview Documentation
PubSub+ Platform Overview
PubSub+ Platform Video Overview Video
Solace PubSub+ Platform Video
PubSub+ Cloud Platform - A Developer's Demo Video
Solace PubSub+ Cloud Animated Overview Video
What is Solace PubSub+ Platform? Documentation
PubSub+ Event Portal Overview Datasheet
Introductory Demo of Solace PubSub+ Platform Video
PubSub+ Platform Overview for Developers Video
What’s New with Solace PubSub+ Platform Video
How Solace PubSub+ Platform Simplifies Your Journey to Becoming Event-Driven Video
PubSub+ Event Portal
Manage Events Like You Manage APIs with an Event Portal Video
PubSub+ Event Portal: EDA Just Got Easier Video
Understanding the Concept of an Event Portal – An API Portal for Events Blog
PubSub+ Event Broker
PubSub+ Event Broker: Cloud Article
PubSub+ Broker Clients Documentation
All about Solace topics! Video
How many ways to create queues in Solace? Way #1 Video
How many ways to create queues in Solace? Way #2 Video
How many ways to create queues in Solace? Way #3 Video
How many ways to create queues in Solace? Way #4 Video
Queue Consumer Patterns - Part 1 Video
Queue Consumer Patterns - Part 2 Video
Topic vs. Topic: Solace PubSub+ and Apache Kafka Video
Event Topics: Kafka vs Solace Implementation Video
Solace does REPLAY! A PubSub+ Message Replay Feature Video
A Demo of Solace's Multi-Protocol Capabilities Video
Solace Guaranteed Consumers: it's all about the ACKs! Video
Solace Guaranteed Publishers: ACKs and NACKs Video
Understanding Solace Delivery Modes: Promotion & Demotion Blog
See How PubSub+ Event Broker Handles Slow Consumers Blog
PubSub+ Event Broker - Quality of Service
Message Quality of Service (QoS) Documentation
Message Delivery Modes Documentation
Consumer Groups and Consumer Scaling in Solace PubSub+ Blog
Understanding Solace Delivery Modes: Direct Messaging vs. Persistent Messaging Blog
Queue Durability Video
Why PubSub+ is the World's Best Event Broker Video
Event Management
Manage Events Like You Manage APIs with an Event Portal Video
Documenting Your Event Driven Architecture in 5 Steps Blog
Event Monitoring
Monitoring Events Documentation
Solace PubSub+ Monitor Documentation
5 Considerations for Building Advanced Monitoring for Your Event Broker Blog
PubSub+ Remote Monitoring and Management Service Datasheet
PubSub+ Monitor Dataseeet
Event Mesh
Bridging Solace Message VPNs Blog
Real-Time Event Distribution with an Event Mesh Video
How to Build an Event Mesh with Solace PubSub+ Video
AWS re:Invent Special Edition: Event Mesh, Dynamic Topics Video
Event Mesh: Event-Driven Architecture for the Real Time Enterprise Whitepaper
Event Mesh: The Data Movement Backbone for the Modern Enterprise (Analyst Report) Report
Event Mesh Datasheet Datasheet
How to Build a Hybrid/Multi-Cloud Event Mesh in Minutes Video
Comparing and Contrasting Service Mesh and Event Mesh Whitepaper
Event Mesh for Event-Driven Integration Datasheet
Certificaton preparation doesn't need to be this hard Can be a calm and smooth experience Can be a calm and smooth experience


  • Tamimi
    Tamimi Member, Administrator, Employee Posts: 523 admin

    Wow Giri this is fantastic and GOLD! thanks for sharing 😄 ✨