How can I limit (or increase) the maximum of consumer flows that may bind to a queue?
Member, Employee Posts: 9 Solace Employee
To limit or increase the number of clients that can bind to a queue, you can set the max-bind-count on the queue.
By default that value is 1000. To change that value, issue the following CLI command:
home > enable > configure > message-spool message-vpn VPNNAME > queue QNAME > max-bind-count <NEW-VALUE> > home
NEW-VALUE can be between 0 and 10,000.
To reset the value to the default of 1,000:
home > enable > configure > message-spool message-vpn VPNNAME > queue QNAME > no max-bind-count > home
Here we are changing it from 1000 to 42:
lab-130-41> lab-130-41> en lab-130-41# configure lab-130-41(configure)# message-spool message-vpn blue lab-130-41(configure/message-spool)# queue violetQ lab-130-41(configure/message-spool/queue)# max-bind-count 42
We can see the current value with the "show queue QNAME detail" command. There is lots of output - look for the line that says 'Max Bind Count'.
lab-130-41(configure/message-spool/queue)# show queue violetQ detail Name : violetQ Message VPN : blue Durability : Durable ... Max Msg Size Allowed (B) : 10000000 Bind Count : 0
Max Bind Count : 42
Topic Subscription Count : 0 Network Topic : #P2P/QUE/violetQ ... lab-130-41(configure/message-spool/queue)# no max-bind-count