Connecting to Solace
Hi All,
I am trying to connect to solace using the below details but have to use a truststore instead of a password using C#.
SessionProperties sessionProps = new SessionProperties();
sessionProps.Host = "********";
sessionProps.VPNName = "*******";
sessionProps.UserName = "*******";
sessionProps.SSLValidateCertificate = true;
sessionProps.SSLValidateCertificateDate = true;
sessionProps.SSLValidateCertificateHost = true;
Can anyone kindly help me with how I can use the trust store because all the attempts to connect give me the below error.
Operation Error: ReturnCode = SOLCLIENT_FAIL Error Info: (Subcode=UnresolvedHost, Error string=host names in the hostlist '' could not be resolved from session '' configuration property 'SESSION_HOST',
thank you
Hello etnuer,
The problem is not related to the certificate or trust-store. We haven't got that far yet, so there may be problems there next.
The problem is the configured 'sessionProps.Host' does not resolve to an IP address.
Can you verify that the host name is resolvable? Can you ping the hostname from the client?
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hi @etnuer how did you solve this please ?