Monthly Feature Highlight Training | August 2022

The August Monthly Feature Highlight focuses on two new features in PubSub+ 10.1 that both improve upon features we've highlighted in previous Monthly Feature Highlights.

Sign up to Solace Academy to get access to our August 2022 Monthly Feature Highlight Training and read on to learn about the features you’ll be learning to implement.

Copy Messages from the PubSub+ Manager

In our May Monthly Feature Highlight we highlighted the new Copy Message feature available in PubSub+ 10.0. This feature allowed one to use the Solace CLI to copy a message from any queue or topic endpoint to another queue or topic endpoint, effectively allowing an individual message to be rescued from a dead message queue and sent back to it's original queue. The one downfall when this feature was introduced is that it was not available to users who utilized the PubSub+ Manager to accomplish tasks. You needed to know how to access and use the CLI in order to leverage the feature. PubSub+ 10.1 makes this feature available to everybody.

What will I learn in this training?

In the August 2022 Monthly Feature Highlight training you will learn how to use the Solace Broker Manager to copy a message from one queue to another.

The New Solace Connector for AWS S3

In our March 2022 Monthly Feature Highlight Training we showed off the PubSub+ 9.13 feature that allowed the AWS SigV4 authentication scheme for REST Delivery Points (RDPs). With this addition users can create an RDP for AWS services with the broker handling all of the calculations needed for the SigV4 signature. While this was a great step forward in enabling AWS connection for brokers, there was still a fair amount of work for the user to set up the end to end process from receiving a message to having it in an AWS S3 bucket.

Solace PubSub+ 10.1 is taking another step in making the delivery of messages to third party data storage facilities a snap with a new Connector to AWS S3.

What will I learn in this training?

In the August 2022 Monthly Feature Highlight training you will learn how to use the new connector process for creating an RDP connection to a Storage Bucket in AWS S3.