How to create Secure connection using SolClient with WSS portocol

Hi Team,
I am using SolClient API for a web application and using solace web transport to connect appliances. Secure connection needs to be created to avoid the risk of sharing the password in network so, I want to use WSS to create secure connection with username and password. Getting an error as ERR_CERT_COMMON_NAME_INVALID. I am able to connect after disabling the Client Cert Authentication in all msg-VPN on that appliance but this is not best solution. I read that client cert authentication is not possible with web transport. MQTT is not allowed for our application.
Can you please help me how to fix this issue?
Hi @SasikumarSP, it looks like there's a problem with your TLS configuration. I'm not entirely clear what you're trying to do: do you have a certificate configured on your broker? When and where is the error reported - on the broker or the client? When you connect or when you install the certificate?
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I was trying to test the JS sample from the browser to connect with solace using WSS. Yes, there are some msg-VPNs enabled with client-cert but the msg-VPN which I try to connect not enabled with client-cert. Is it possible to connect solace appliances with WSS?