Can someone please help me to know How to generate the details mentioned below.

Naruto Member Posts: 13 ✭✭

IP Address of the Solace messaging appliance in the form: [Protocol:]Host[:Port] (e.g. tcp: ). *

Client username and Message-vpn used by the sample application (e.g. browser_nse_dev) *

Password for the Client username used by sample application (e.g. browser)


  • marc
    marc Member, Administrator, Moderator, Employee Posts: 973 admin
    edited February 2024 #2

    Hi @Naruto,

    Can you please provide more context re: what you are trying to configure?

    Note that if you are using Solace Cloud you can find your connect info including URL, username, message vpn and password on the "Connect" tab. (This is just an example → you'll want the info under "Solace Messaging" for something trying to use SMF on port 55555.

  • Naruto
    Naruto Member Posts: 13 ✭✭
    edited February 2024 #3

    Hi @marc

    Thanks for the response. I am new to solace pubsub+ so gaining as much knowledge as I can. Few questions I have are —

    The Web Messaging host is not reachable(not pingable)?

    Does any event broker service that I create contain the data of NSE i.e. National stock Exchange & once created in solace cloud after the 30 days trail gets over it will start charging. How to avoid that?

    How do I do the same thing using the solace software i.e. the docker image & how do I create the message queue endpoint?

    Suppose I wanted to have orderbook snapshot of the CM market segment of NSE. How do I create that endpoint?

  • marc
    marc Member, Administrator, Moderator, Employee Posts: 973 admin
    edited February 2024 #4

    Hi @Naruto,
    Glad you're new and digging in! Welcome to the wonderful world of Solace :)
    I can answer a few of these questions, but I'm not familiar with NSE specifics. I'll see if I can find someone who is.

    The Web Messaging host is not reachable(not pingable)?

    This will depend on the network configuration of where a broker is hosted. If you are using a Solace Cloud broker as part of a free trial I do NOT believe you will be able to ping it as the cloud service providers usually block the ICMP protocol used by the ping command. If you're on mac you might try to use the nc command (e.g: nc -vz <host> 443) or telnet on windows/linux will do similar.

    Does any event broker service that I create contain the data of NSE i.e. National stock Exchange & once created in solace cloud after the 30 days trail gets over it will start charging. How to avoid that?

    Cloud trials won't come with NSE data, so we'll have to see if someone can help with that. Also note that free trial accounts will expire and just shut down the messaging service. At this time (Feb 2024) we do not just start automatically billing you.

    How do I do the same thing using the solace software i.e. the docker image & how do I create the message queue endpoint?

    You can see how to get started with our docker container on your local machine here: Getting Started with PubSub+ Standard Edition | Solace . Creating a queue can be done in many ways: The Four Ways to Create and Configure a Message Queue in Solace | Solace

    Suppose I wanted to have orderbook snapshot of the CM market segment of NSE. How do I create that endpoint?

    I'm assuming you're asking about NSE specific details here so I'll see if someone else can chime in.

    Hope that helps!

  • Naruto
    Naruto Member Posts: 13 ✭✭

    Hi @marc

    Thanks for the answers. It really helped me to proceed further.

    Sure that does help if you can help me to connect to someone about NSE specific details.

    Please help me to understand it more by answering few more queries that I have —

    To get data of a segment of a stock exchange, the queue endpoint will be created by the stock exchange itself right? Solace api's will be used to retrieve that information right?

    Along with the queue endpoint the solace ip, port, client username , client password & message vpn will also be created & provided by stock exchange right? The consumer or subscriber needs to use solace to connect to that & retrieve info from the queue present(if any).

  • marc
    marc Member, Administrator, Moderator, Employee Posts: 973 admin

    Sure that does help if you can help me to connect to someone about NSE specific details.

    Okay great, working on it :)

    To get data of a segment of a stock exchange, the queue endpoint will be created by the stock exchange itself right? Solace api's will be used to retrieve that information right?

    Along with the queue endpoint the solace ip, port, client username , client password & message vpn will also be created & provided by stock exchange right? The consumer or subscriber needs to use solace to connect to that & retrieve info from the queue present(if any).

    I think you are correct on these things as that would make sense to me, but I won't give you a "yes" yet. Hopefully I'll get the NSE expert responding here soon :)

  • Naruto
    Naruto Member Posts: 13 ✭✭

    Hi @marc

    Thanks. Will be waiting for the response.