Event Mesh using DMR

LoHey Member Posts: 3
edited March 1 in PubSub+ Event Broker #1
Hi All,

Currently I’m setting up event mesh using DMR for 3 solace brokers.

I have 3 cluster. Cluster A, B and C.

A is connected to B using external link.
C is connected to B using external link.

As of now, when A publish a message, my cluster B is able to receive the message, however I face the below issue.

If A publish a message, how can cluster C receive the message too? I do not want to link cluster C to cluster A.


  • Aaron
    Aaron Member, Administrator, Moderator, Employee Posts: 611 admin
    edited March 1 #2

    Hi @LoHey, welcome to the Community!

    To answer your question: unfortunately, you will need to. See the docs here. As of today, there isn't the sophisticated topology routing capability which existed in our Direct Messaging only equivalent: MNR (Multi-Node Routing).

    To quote:

    It is not necessary for each cluster to be connected to every other cluster; however, messages only propagate between directly-connected clusters.

    What are you trying to do / achieve? Why don't you want to link them? Perhaps there is another way to accomplish the behaviour you seek.

  • LoHey
    LoHey Member Posts: 3
    Due to security reason, therefore cluster A cannot connect to cluster C, but have to route through cluster B. What is the proposed alternative to achieve this?
  • LoHey
    LoHey Member Posts: 3
    edited March 2 #4

    Hi @Aaron,

    Thanks for the response.

    The reason for not connecting cluster A to C is due to security. Hence cluster A cannot connect to cluster C, but have to route through cluster B. What is the proposed alternative to achieve this?

    Anyway can MNR be configured using the solace pubSub+ UI like how DMR is configured?

    And whats the advantage and disadvantage in using MNR vs DMR? More concern on what issues i will face using MNR instead of DMR or which is more recommended by your side?

    Sorry for a repost of my comment as I couldn’t find ways to edit my comment above.

  • Aaron
    Aaron Member, Administrator, Moderator, Employee Posts: 611 admin

    You should be able to edit a message if you click those three dots in the top-right corner. Should be a popup menu:

    Anyhow, MNR is for Direct messaging only. So probably not applicable in most (modern) situations… it was primarily built to move pricing data / market data around very quickly through brokers.

    Unless someone else can come up with a better solution (???) like perhaps A and B can be merged into one cluster, and then C is another… you might want to look at using VPN bridges, except they don't have the dynamic subscription behaviour of DMR… but you could build bridges between A and B, and then from B to C, and as long as you configure the subscriptions on those bridges correctly then messages published on A could make to C via B.