How to fetch the Non durable queue details via SEMP API

rayleeustc_ll Member Posts: 7 ✭✭

when i use SEMP API to fetch all the queues details from my vpn, found that Non durable queues is not included.

is it as designed that non durable has been filter out from the SEMP API get queues return result? or is there a SEMP API can be use to get the non durable queue details?


  • Aaron
    Aaron Member, Administrator, Moderator, Employee Posts: 667 admin

    Which SEMP version are you using? If using v2, note that the config API won't return anything about temporary queues because they're not actually statically configured in the broker… they're temporary. You'll have to use the monitor API to see information about them.

    Note you'll also have to URL encode your queue name filter parameter. For example, to view all temporary queues on my broker, I'm looking for anything that starts with #P2P/QTMP/*. Something like:

    curl -u admin:admin http://localhost:8080/SEMP/v2/monitor/msgVpns/default/queues?where=queueName%3d%3d%23P2P%2FQTMP%2F%2A | jq

    If using SEMPv1, they should be returned as part of the regular show queue * command:

    curl -u admin:admin http://localhost:8080/SEMP -d '<rpc><show><queue><name>#P2P/QTMP/*</name><detail/></queue></show></rpc>'