What are these objects that start with "#" ??

Ever wonder what all the various objects you see configured in the Solace broker that start with a # symbol?? E.g.:
- #client-username
- #client
- #client-profile
- #acl-profile
- #config-sync
- #REPLAY_LOG_defaultLog
- #REPLAY_TOPICS_defaultLog
- #P2P/v:solace/...
- #bridge/local/...
and #bridge/remote/...
- #rdp/rdp1
- #cluster
- Etc...
You may have stumbled onto some of these while poking around in the PubSub+ Manager GUI or in CLI. In short: any object you find that starts with a # is a system-created object for internal use, and you don't need to worry about it, and you shouldn't try to delete or modify it.
Most of the objects mentioned above are automatically created when you a) create a new Message VPN; b) enable a particular feature (e.g. Replay, or DMR); or c) connect a client or bridge. As some examples.
Hope that helps anyone who is wondering what these are! Let me know if you want more details.