PubSub+ Event Portal FAQ
You thought you had everything you needed to get started with the Event Portal but then suddenly a question popped into your head. Maybe you're not the only one - check below for answers to common questions.
Q: How do I sign up for PubSub+ Event Portal?
A: Aha - let's start with an easy one! Sign up for your account here:
Q: How do I see the list of all events in my Event Portal?
A: Head to the Catalog to view the full list of all events, schemas, and applications defined in your Event Portal.
Q: I added some of my events manually and like what I see but we have thousands of events, schemas, and applications. How do I avoid manual data entry and add them automatically?
A: The easiest way to bulk import all your events, schemas, and applications is to use our Discovery tool to gain a run-time understanding of what exactly is happening in your event broker and import it into Event Portal. But maybe your broker isn't supported by the Discovery tool yet. Fear not! We have a REST API for Event Portal that allows you to import events from existing EDA models. Once you have imported your architecture you can head to Designer to visualize the relationships between events, schemas, and apps and to Catalog to quickly search, edit, and review revisions.
Q: How do I get access to the Discovery tool if it is not enabled in my account?
A: Runtime Discovery is currently in Beta with general availability coming soon. Initially it supports discovery from Apache Kafka, Confluent, and Amazon MSK clusters with additional broker types to come. If you are interested in participating in our Beta program, request access here.
Q: Do you have plans to integrate the Discovery tool with additional brokers?
A: Yes, this is in fact the main goal of Event Portal! Visualizing, documenting and governing streaming apps from all sorts of brokers including legacy MQ mainframe apps, RabbitMQ CloudFoundry apps, mobile MQTT apps and everything in between. Kafka discovery is currently available, Solace discovery is in Beta, and MQ and JMS brokers will likely be the next out of the gate but your feedback can help us to prioritize that order.
Q: What information does the Discovery tool extract and retain when it is run?
A: The Discovery tool subscribes to, and receives any messages associated with, the specified subscriptions during the interval it is run. Although it receives the entire message including payload, it currently discards the payload and only retains the payload size information. To view the results of the scan outside of the Event Portal you can export the scan results as a JSON file.
Q: What happens when the Discovery runtime results are different when compared to what's defined using design time?
A: In the Designer you'll see objects flagged to be resolved or reconciled.
Q: When will Discovery be available for my broker?
A: We're excited that you want to use the Discovery tool for you specific event broker and we can't wait to support it! If your broker is not listed as available in our Discovery tool yet there are still ways you can gather data and import it into Event Portal. We have a REST API for Event Portal that allows you to import events from existing EDA models. Once you have imported events to populate the catalog you can use the Designer to visualize the relationships between events, schemas and apps.
Q: I have a question that wasn't answered here. How do I get help?
A: Great question! We'd love to help answer your questions and there are a number of different options for you to get help. First, right here in the community! Feel free to start a new post or add a comment to this thread. Second, you can contact our team directly from within your cloud account. Just click the (?) and choose "Start Chat". Hint: The questions that get answered the fastest are always the ones that have as much background info as possible including the problem you're trying to solve, what you've tried so far, and any other context you can give us (error messages, steps taken, screenshots, etc.).
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