Solace Python API v0.2.0 publicly released on PyPi 🎉

Tamimi Member, Administrator, Employee Posts: 549 admin
edited November 2020 in Early Access API #1

Now Available!

The second and final round of our Python API early access is now available on Pypi for everyone in the Solace Community to use. Check it out here: or use
pip install solace-pubsubplus
This release includes support for
1. Direct Messaging (from v0.1.0)
2. Guaranteed messaging

We expect this will be our last early access release for this API before it becomes generally available in a few weeks. Here's your opportunity to try it out and get your requests to the top* of our product manager's list. Share your feedback in the comments below or keep reading to find out how early adopters can earn some swag.
*this is a direct request - not a guaranteed request 😉

How do I get involved and earn some SWAG?!

We want you to try it out and share your feedback with us! All you need to do is follow both steps below:
1. Try out the Python API and consume messages from our publicly available broker (see below for more details) or with your own use case and show us the results in the comments.
2. Share your feedback in the comments. Answer one of the following questions:

  • Did you use Direct or Guaranteed messaging?
  • How was the package structure when importing the API? Do you prefer a flat or hierarchical module structure?
  • What error handling modules did you use? How did you use it? What other Error handling functionality do you expect to use?
  • What other Python packages did you use in conjunction with the Solace API?.

or give us a review of your experience with the API - the good, the bad, and the ugly. We want to hear it all.
Do both of those and we'll get you hooked up with a swag kit for your efforts!

Information about publicly available broker

  • Check out the Solace marketplace or connection information
  • Connect to the broker and consume messages
  • Publish a message to the broker on the topic test/taxinyc/python/<your_name> with any message payload
  • Send a screenshot of payload received from the data and the published test messaged

What's next?

Our product team is working to finalize the API for version 1.0 and then will tackle support for Request/Reply messaging. We will keep you posted on the features coming post the V1 release.

Extra Resources

1. Live Coding Events:

We had a Live Coding Event where we explored the new Python API

2. Samples

You can find a list of samples on the github repo here

Looking forward to hearing your feedback and seeing cool projects 😎



  • Kuladeep
    Kuladeep Member Posts: 25 ✭

    Hi @Tamimi ,
    I'm trying with nyc message broker with subscriber. I have successfully connected to the broker > vpn > and subscribed to it. However it just waiting, is there is no data or topics published at this point of time? or any issue with consumer i tried?

  • Kuladeep
    Kuladeep Member Posts: 25 ✭
    edited November 2020 #3

    Tried with try me with same message broker, able to pub but not able to sub in try me portal too. any broker level parameters exceeded?

  • Kuladeep
    Kuladeep Member Posts: 25 ✭
    edited November 2020 #4

    It worked locally. sharing details as below. But from nyc message broker still no data coming to the subscriber on above mentioned topic.

    Test details success one:

    IDE: Pycharm
    Message broker: localhost / Docker container one



    client details IDE payload details

  • Tamimi
    Tamimi Member, Administrator, Employee Posts: 549 admin

    Hey @Kuladeep! Since you are connected to the broker via a public user, you are only allowed to publish on test/taxinyc/> as for the NYC taxi data, you are right, the server seems to be down and I am looking into it now :smile:

  • Kuladeep
    Kuladeep Member Posts: 25 ✭
    edited November 2020 #6

    Thanks @Tamimi . Able to get the data now.

  • Tamimi
    Tamimi Member, Administrator, Employee Posts: 549 admin

    Sweet! Have fun with the data :) If you want to see examples of what you can do with the data you can check out Daniel's talk on Real-time data analytics on our youtube channel during our Solace Community Lightning Talks event!

  • Mikecrophones
    Mikecrophones Member Posts: 1 ✭
    edited January 2021 #8

    Hi @Tamimi , please check my reply, we currently need help on our migration, we saw your source code on GitHub and we used it as a reference to create ours. The only problem is that in your example you use the topic to receive messages, on our part we are going to use a queue to receive msg. The only problem is we cannot dequeue the msg even if we already receive it in the python app. Can you please provide some examples on how to dequeue process messages using queue by using abstract receive_async and abstract receive_message.

  • Tamimi
    Tamimi Member, Administrator, Employee Posts: 549 admin

    Hey @Mikecrophones ! What you are referring to is persistent messaging, and if you want to consume messages from a queue you will have to bind to a queue using a PersistentMessageReceiver. I will provide a persistent message receiver sample, as of right now you can check out an example on how to publish a guaranteed message here

  • Tamimi
    Tamimi Member, Administrator, Employee Posts: 549 admin

    You can check this post for updates on samples

    Let me know if you were able to bind to your queue and consume the messages from your queue 😄