SolaceCommunity Github Contribution Guide πŸŽ‰

Tamimi Member, Administrator, Employee Posts: 543 admin
edited March 2021 in General Discussions #1

πŸ“£ We are launching the SolaceCommunity Github organization! This organization offers community supported, authored and maintained open source projects. As our community grows, these projects offer integration with, and ways to use, Solace technologies.

What to contribute

Contributions to the SolaceCommunity Github organization include:

  • Projects that provide integrations with Solace and other technologies or platforms
  • Tools that enables the usage of Solace APIs (wrappers, packages...etc)
  • Projects illustrating the use of Solace APIs for learning or teaching purposes

What it means to contribute a project to the community org

  1. You are awesome πŸŽ‰! Thanks for sharing your project and collaborating with all of us in the community! By doing so you would be a strong contender to receive the "Community Contributor" badge ;)
  2. The project repo will be transferred (or created) in the SolaceCommunity Github org and is then owned by the Solace Community. To contribute a project contact us at Note that if you are not the sole owner of a project you must have written permission of all owners prior to transferring.
  3. Contributors should recommend initial maintainer(s) for the project being contributed. Contributors are often the initial maintainers themselves. These maintainers will have admin level permissions on the individual project repo and do not have to be members of the SolaceCommunity github org itself.
  4. Contributed project should have a README, license, contribution guide, and code of conduct. Check out this repo template for a recommended way to structure a repo.
  5. The current maintainer(s) and/or initial creator do NOT have permissions to delete the project after is has been contributed to the community, however stale projects may be archived.

Repository Roles

  • Owner: Solace DevRel Team will be the owner of all repos in the Solace Community Github Org and have admin access to the repos.
  • Maintainer: Maintainer(s) are specified for each repo. They have maintain permissions as defined by github to the repo and control the direction of the project including management of open issues on PRs. They can customize the repository to best fit to the contribution process they would like. This includes things such as customizing the contribution guide, roles of contributors and modifying the available issue types.
  • Contributors: Any public github user has the ability to contribute via Pull Requests. No special permission is necessary. Maintainers may choose to give frequent contributors to a repo an assigned github role (such as write or triage)

Current Projects

Extra Notes

What's next

We have more projects coming up! Stay tuned and let us know below if you are interested to use any of those public tools or if you see yourself contributing with any project!



  • Tamimi
    Tamimi Member, Administrator, Employee Posts: 543 admin

    OH! And do us a HUGE favour --> go star the repos in that org and show our community some ❀️⭐️

  • Aaron
    Aaron Member, Administrator, Moderator, Employee Posts: 667 admin

    Can I contribute a project? I'm thinking of moving my GeoSpatial routing code out of my own personal GitHub.

  • Tamimi
    Tamimi Member, Administrator, Employee Posts: 543 admin

    Hey @Aaron ! This gitub org will mainly encapsulate tools and wrappers around Solace's APIs that can be used in other projects. Your GeoSpatial routing code is a very cool app that would be best fit in SolaceLabs !

  • Aaron
    Aaron Member, Administrator, Moderator, Employee Posts: 667 admin

    Bump! I have a new project now, that I think could/would be a good contribution. I've made Logstash plugins. Well, I've written some basic/introductory plugins. Using the JCSMP API. Both input and output. They use Gradle to build gem files that you then just install into Logstash.

    Anyhow, files are currently here:

    They still need some work, but think they could be useful to the broader Solace Community!

  • marc
    marc Member, Administrator, Moderator, Employee Posts: 973 admin

    Perfect, would be awesome to get these added to the SolaceCommunity. Great idea @Aaron πŸ‘

  • techrahul95
    techrahul95 Member Posts: 20 ✭✭

    Is there any way to contribute to Ansible Solace collection and create some custom modules for automating routine tasks?. Just wondering the possibility to work on it.πŸ™‚