Solace integration with Kafka over TCPS failing
Member Posts: 7 ✭
I am trying to connect Solace cloud broker with Kafka. I have a topic in Solace cloud. I want to subscribe into the Solace topic through the pub-sub-plus source connector.
Here are my Source Connector Configuration:
{ "name": "solaceSource", "config": { "name":"solaceSource", "kafka.topic":"solace-connector-test", "tasks.max":"1", "connector.class":"com.solace.connector.kafka.connect.source.SolaceSourceConnector", "value.converter":"org.apache.kafka.connect.converters.ByteArrayConverter", "key.converter":"", "":"tcps://", "sol.username":"solace-cloud-client", "sol.password":"thesecretpassword", "sol.vpn_name":"solaceservice", "sol.topics": "sourcetest", "sol.ssl_trust_store":"/opt/external-cert/myTrustStore.jks", "sol.ssl_trust_store_password":"changeit", "sol.message_processor_class":"com.solace.connector.kafka.connect.source.msgprocessors.SolSampleSimpleMessageProcessor", "sol.dynamic_destination":"true", "errors.log.enable":"true" } }
I have downloaded the PEM file from the given connection details and insert it into the myTrustStore.jks file.
I am getting the following error:
Received Solace exception Connection refused
Any help would be appreciated.
Hi @mehdihasan ,
The error basically saying it can't reach the port. Usually Solace broker's secured port is 55443, please check this on your Solace Cloud "Connect" tab to be sure.
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Hi @arih, Thanks a lot! That's a silly mistake!!! It is working fine now!