JMSToolBox: Topic name associated to Queue is not displaying when I browse Destination Information

Hi Team,
Could you please help me how to retrieve the Topic name associated to Queue using JMSToolBox
Step1.I've logged into Soldadmin and Created Queue ( e.g Order)
Step2.Seleected Queue, Operations, Manage Topics option and associated Queue to Topic Name ( e.g abc/Test1)
Step3. Logged into JMSToolBox, Clicked on Queue Browse Destination information, It is showing properties of the Queue( access type, Permission) but it is not showing the Topic name associated the Queue
Can you help me how to display the topic name associated the Queue when I browse Destination ( abc/Test1)Information.


  • nram
    nram Member, Employee Posts: 80 Solace Employee

    Hello @ShivaPrasad , JMSToolbox is a stock JMS browser. Topic subscription on Queues is a Solace feature. I don't think it would be possible to get this info using JMSToolbox. You will need to use Solace SEMP protocol to get this info. Here is an example:

    ➜  SEMPv2 curl -X GET -u admin:xxxxxx -H "content-type:application/json"
  • marc
    marc Member, Administrator, Moderator, Employee Posts: 973 admin

    Hi @ShivaPrasad,
    @nram is correct, you cannot see that information via JMSToolBox, but you would have to look via SEMP or the Solace PubSub+ Manager which is available with each broker.

  • ShivaPrasad
    ShivaPrasad Member Posts: 12

    Thank you for your response nram and marc. My Actual requirement is that We don't want give PubSub+ Manager or Soladmin access to application Developers(even read only access) . Developers are always involving admin team to to find out whether messages are reached to Queue or not , Which Topic they are publishing messages, What is the topic subscription associated to queue and What Queue I've created while subscribing messages etc. I am exploring a simple tool(Like Toolbox UI ) which can give me the following otherwise I need to develop a web UI tool using angular or react.js using SEMP java sdk or Python SDK to get the below details.
    We just want to simple UI interface with following items.
    1.Only Show the Queues who owned on message VPN based on the Subscriber name. Subscribers should not see each other Queues even though we have enforced ACL permissions on message VPN.
    2.List the Subscriptions associated to Queue
    3. Display the Properties of the Queue and browse the content of the message

    Based on my Analysis, JMSToolbox is not solving my requirements . What I understood from you is that JMSToolbox is based on Java JMS based tool and will not include all the Solace features in toolbox . If this is the case , I need to go with my own Web Tool . Please provide me Java or .NET SEMP SDK API reference documentation to get above items from web UI tool. Any Other suggestions welcome.

    Thank you.

  • nram
    nram Member, Employee Posts: 80 Solace Employee

    Hello @ShivaPrasad , Your understanding is right. You will need some custom solution for your requirement. One strategy for limiting lit of Queues is to use a consistent naming convention and filtering by name (instead of inspecting the queue ownership for eg). Since SEMPv2 is REST based, you are free to select language of your choice -- Java/JS/Python/ ...
    SEMPv2 API document is available here:

  • marc
    marc Member, Administrator, Moderator, Employee Posts: 973 admin

    Agree with @nram that custom is the way to go here if you're trying not to give them access to PS+ Mgr/Soladmin.
    To add some more info when you look at the SEMP docs the where "Common Query Parameter" should be useful for you as it allows you to filter the objects returned. I think it should allow you to filter on the queue owner as an example.

    As a side note @ShivaPrasad I would be interested to learn more around why you don't want to provide access to the PubSub+ Manager. If you don't want to share publicly you can also PM me directly as well. I also wanted to make sure you know that you can allow a PS+ Mgr user to ONLY have READ access to a specific VPN by providing a mgmt user no default access and then adding a "Access Level Exception" for the VPN you want them to be able to see.

  • ShivaPrasad
    ShivaPrasad Member Posts: 12

    Thank you for your response.I'll post you a separate message on this . Yes There is a reason why we are restring access to application developers due to complexity of the business.

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