Connecting RabbitMQ to Solace

Does Solace provide some kind of connector to read (subscribe) the (AMQP) messages from a RabbitMQ broker and publish them to Solace broker? (Analogous to Kafka Connect).
If I'm publishing the messages to a RabbitMQ and want these messages to be published to Solace from RabbitMQ, is there a solution from Solace or do I have to write a custom connector reading from Rabbit and publishing to Solace?

Best Answer


  • Hi Virat,
    Solace doesn't have a connector for RabbitMQ like they do for Kafka.

    I looked at the AMQP and MQTT plugins for RabbitMQ.
    Those plugins both provide the server implementation of the protocols, for connecting to clients.
    Solace provides a server implementation as well, so those plugins can't talk directly to Solace PubSub+ Broker.

    So, yes, as far I can tell, you would need to implement a connector.
    I am told that JMS over AMQP 1.0 might be the easiest to implement on the Solace side.
    JMS is more consistent in what metadata you have to deal with, compared to various AMQP and MQTT implementations.

    Solace offers tutorials for JMS over AMQP 1.0.

    I am sorry I can't be more help.

  • dreamoka
    dreamoka Member Posts: 57 ✭✭✭

    do we have connectors or adaptor to connect RabbitMQ with Message Broker now? Is it the only way is to install Rabbit MQ shovel plugin at RabbitMQ?

  • Aaron
    Aaron Member, Administrator, Moderator, Employee Posts: 668 admin

    As far as I know, that's still the only way. Rabbit's AMQP (0.9.1) is not standard, they shouldn't even call it AMQP since it's completely incompatible with the 1.0 standard. It should be called RabbitMQP or something. haha

    Maybe in the future Solace might eventually build a 0.9.1 bridge to Rabbit, like we're doing with the Kafka protocol (not a standard either), but I haven't heard anything yet.