Connecting with MQTT without WebSockets

ludobar Member Posts: 10

Hello everyone,
I'm getting started with Solace, and I am trying to write a simple Python program that publishes a message to a broker topic using the MQTT protocol.
I have issues establishing a connection with the broker service without using Web Sockets. My program does not seem to get any connack message.
I was wondering if any broker configuration step is needed to be able to connect over TLS.
Thanks :)



  • Aleksei
    Aleksei Member Posts: 14

    Hi! You will need to configure a server certificate on solace broker to activate SSL/TLS ports. Documentation section for the procedure is here:
    If network security allows it, try connecting first to non-ssl port to confirm the problem is with TLS configuration.

  • hong
    hong Guest Posts: 480 ✭✭✭✭✭

    @Aleksei Thank you for the info!

  • ludobar
    ludobar Member Posts: 10

    @Aleksei said:
    Hi! You will need to configure a server certificate on solace broker to activate SSL/TLS ports. Documentation section for the procedure is here:
    If network security allows it, try connecting first to non-ssl port to confirm the problem is with TLS configuration.

    I'll configure the server certificate and see if it works. Thank you!

  • Tamimi
    Tamimi Member, Administrator, Employee Posts: 549 admin
    edited October 2020 #5

    Hey @ludobar! I wrote a bolg post a while back on how to use Python MQTT to establish a connection with a Solace Broker , you will find it interesting you can check it out here In a nutshell, I used the paho.mqtt.client as follows

    import paho.mqtt.client as mqtt
    import json
    def on_connect(client, data, flags, rc):
        assert (rc == 0), "Error Connecting. Return code: " + str(rc)
        print("Connected to PubSub+ Solace Broker!")
        for t in topics:
            print("Subscribing to: " + t)
    def on_message(client, data, msg):
        msg_json_object = json.loads(msg.payload.decode('ascii'))
        msg_json_pretty = json.dumps(msg_json_object, indent=2)
        print("Received message on: %s\n %s" % (msg.topic, msg_json_pretty))
    # Broker Info
    url = <host_name>
    username = <username>
    password = <password>
    topics = [
    client = mqtt.Client()
    client.username_pw_set(username=username, password=password)
    client.on_connect = on_connect
    client.on_message = on_message

    You can also check this thread
    Also, are you aware of the Solace Python API? It is still in beta early access, let me know if you're interested to be invited to a group and try it out!

  • ludobar
    ludobar Member Posts: 10

    @Tamimi thank you for the code snippet and for the post. It really helps me speeding up at coding!
    Right now I'm focusing on MQTT, but I might be interested in exploring Solace APIs in the future. I will keep it in mind!

  • Tamimi
    Tamimi Member, Administrator, Employee Posts: 549 admin

    Hey @ludobar ! I just came across this again and wanted to follow up, do you still have any issues with TLS connection with the broker?

  • ludobar
    ludobar Member Posts: 10

    Hey @Tamimi ! At the end I figured everything out. I shared my program on the community in this post, in the hope of helping anyone struggling with it :)