🎄 Happy Holidays! 🥳
Most of Solace is closed December 24–January 1 so our employees can spend time with their families. We will re-open Thursday, January 2, 2024. Please expect slower response times during this period and open a support ticket for anything needing immediate assistance.
Happy Holidays!
Please note: most of Solace is closed December 25–January 2, and will re-open Tuesday, January 3, 2023.
solace running in docker not able to connect to ws port
I am running solace using docker with the below command. But I am not able to connect to websocket from TryMe!....
docker run -d -p 8080:8080 -p 55555:55555 --shm-size=1g --env username_admin_globalaccesslevel=admin --env username_admin_password=admin --name=solace solace/solace-pubsub-standard
Hi @anish,
Port 8080 is the PS+ Manager port. Try-Me uses Solace web messaging that would be on port 8008.
I'd recommend re-creating your docker container exposing more ports. Checkout Step 2 here defines the ports.docker run -d -p 8080:8080 -p 55555:55555 -p:8008:8008 -p:1883:1883 -p:8000:8000 -p:5672:5672 -p:9000:9000 -p:2222:2222 --shm-size=2g --env username_admin_globalaccesslevel=admin --env username_admin_password=admin --name=solace solace/solace-pubsub-standard