Unable to connect to existing solace queue instead trying to creating a new durable queue and fails

nbommidi Member Posts: 9

Asking help from this community after coming through several articles and sites. Didn't find solution

I want to connect and use manually created queue, but it is not working. refer the below properties and error i am getting.

Any recommendations?


Spring Boot Applicaiton created using start.spring.ip with the dependencies pubsub+, solace and Web modules
Using spring cloud stream framework
Created a queue using the solace admin console

Used the following application properties





c.s.s.c.s.b.p.SolaceQueueProvisioner : Creating durable queue scst/wk/ for consumer group
c.s.jcsmp.impl.SessionModeSupport : (Client name:


address info>- Error Response (403) - Permission Not Allowed
c.s.s.c.s.b.p.SolaceQueueProvisioner : Failed to provision durable queue scst/wk/

com.solacesystems.jcsmp.JCSMPErrorResponseException: 403: Permission Not Allowed


  • marc
    marc Member, Administrator, Moderator, Employee Posts: 972 admin

    Hi @nbommidi,
    Can you post your config using ``` before and after so it puts it into a code blocK? It's hard to make out how it is. I assume there are some angle brackets in there that are getting lost.

    Also if you're creating the queue and applying the subscriptions ahead of time you can set these properties to tell the binder not to. Find out more info on them in the Solace Consumer Properties docs section.

    • provisionDurableQueue = false
    • provisionSubscriptionsToDurableQueue = false
    • provisionErrorQueue = false (if you're using the error queue)
  • nbommidi
    nbommidi Member Posts: 9

    Hi @marc
    I have used denotation to represent the values. looks like they are lost
    See below updatd config
    spring.cloud.stream.function.definition= testConsumer
    spring.cloud.stream.bindings.testConsumer-in-0.destination= preconfigured queue name
    spring.cloud.stream.bindings.testConsumer-in-0.group= testConsumerGroup

    spring.cloud.stream.binders.solace.environment.solace.java.host= host name
    spring.cloud.stream.binders.solace.environment.solace.java.msgVpn= vpn name
    spring.cloud.stream.binders.solace.environment.solace.java.clientUsername= user name
    spring.cloud.stream.binders.solace.environment.solace.java.clientPassword= password

    Below is the part of the error log where it is trying to create a durable queue and failing due to a permission issue with a 403 error. my org didn't allow an application to create a queue.
    c.s.s.c.s.b.p.SolaceQueueProvisioner : Creating durable queue scst/wk/ for consumer group
    c.s.jcsmp.impl.SessionModeSupport : (Client name:

  • marc
    marc Member, Administrator, Moderator, Employee Posts: 972 admin
    edited June 2021 #4

    Hi @nbommidi,
    Your configuration looks close to correct to me so a few things to check:
    1. What version of the cloud stream binder are you using? If using the latest you'll want to use autoBindErrorQueue instead of autoBindDmq
    2. Since you are using that feature you'll also want to add provisionErrorQueue: false
    3. If the disabling of provisioning is being properly read by the binder you should see logs that look something like this:

    Creating durable queue scst/wk/SINK/plain/TEMPS.Q for consumer group SINK
    Durable queue provisioning is disabled, scst/wk/SINK/plain/TEMPS.Q will not be provisioned nor will its configuration be validated

    Note that this worked for me using the cloud-streams-sink sample in this repo with this config:

          definition: sink 
              destination: TEMPS.Q
              #The presence of "group" tells the binder to follow the "consumer group" pattern
              group: SINK
                  #This adds a topic subscription w/ wildcards to the queue created with a name of TEMPS.Q.SINK above 
                  queueAdditionalSubscriptions: sensor/temperature/>
                  autoBindErrorQueue: true
                  provisionDurableQueue: false
                  provisionSubscriptionsToDurableQueue: false
                  provisionErrorQueue: false
  • nbommidi
    nbommidi Member Posts: 9

    Hey @marc, I did see that disable note when I tried several options earlier. I used to get an invalid queue or permission issue. But now I did further analysis of all my properties in earlier trials as well.

    The problem was that our predefined queue didn't accept any prefix in the queue name, but the spring cloud binder configuration automatically add the prefix with all defaults and it resulted in an invalid queue.

    I tried to use all the below properties as mentioned in the documentation at https://github.com/SolaceProducts/solace-spring-cloud/tree/master/solace-spring-cloud-starters/solace-spring-cloud-stream-starter#generated-queue-name-syntax

    useDestinationEncodingInQueue =false

    I have observed the group name and familiarity name is removed from the prefix, but the encoding isn't removed.

    So I did a code review of the source code and realized that there is a typo in the property. The actual property should be useDestinationEncodingInQueueName

    Now I am able to fix the invalid queue issue.

    You may have to advise your team to correct the documentation. Sorry, I didn't set it up to fix it.

  • marc
    marc Member, Administrator, Moderator, Employee Posts: 972 admin

    Great find @nbommidi. I opened this PR to fix it in the docs: https://github.com/SolaceProducts/solace-spring-cloud/pull/90

    Thank you 🙏

  • smpapas
    smpapas Member Posts: 19

    Hi, Not sure sure any one is getting the same error now, but I am getting it now.
    I am using <solace-spring-cloud.version>2.1.0</solace-spring-cloud.version> and the following is my config
    definition: consumeMessage
    destination: test
    group: queue.dev
    queueAdditionalSubscriptions: test/dev
    autoBindErrorQueue: true
    provisionDurableQueue: false
    provisionSubscriptionsToDurableQueue: false
    provisionErrorQueue: false

    I have already created a user defined non-exclusive queue from sol admin with the name test.queue.dev

    I am getting the following error

    c.s.s.c.s.b.p.SolaceQueueProvisioner : Creating durable queue scst/wk/queue.dev/plain/test for consumer group queue.dev
    c.s.s.c.s.b.p.SolaceQueueProvisioner : Durable queue provisioning is disabled, scst/wk/queue.dev/plain/test will not be provisioned nor will its configuration be validated
    c.s.s.c.s.b.p.SolaceQueueProvisioner : Testing consumer flow connection to queue scst/wk/queue.dev/plain/test (will not start it)
    c.s.s.c.s.b.p.SolaceQueueProvisioner : Failed to connect test consumer flow to queue scst/wk/queue.dev/plain/test. Provisioning is disabled, queue was not provisioned nor was its configuration validated.

    com.solacesystems.jcsmp.JCSMPErrorResponseException: 503: Unknown Queue
    at com.solacesystems.jcsmp.impl.flow.BindRequestTask.execute(BindRequestTask.java:204) ~[sol-jcsmp-10.10.0.jar:na]

  • smpapas
    smpapas Member Posts: 19

    I did more testing here are my latest config and the exception, nbot sure why it is creating anonymous queue here

    spring.cloud.stream.function.definition= consumeMessage
    spring.cloud.stream.bindings.consumeMessage-in-0.destination= test.queue.dev
    spring.cloud.stream.bindings.testConsumer-in-0.group= testConsumerGroup
    spring.cloud.stream.solace.bindings.consumeMessage-in-0.consumer.useDestinationEncodingInQueueName =false

    c.s.s.c.s.b.p.SolaceQueueProvisioner : Creating anonymous (temporary) queue scst/18d79f9e-849a-4cbc-b4da-b75f7a498510/test.queue.dev
    c.s.s.c.s.b.p.SolaceQueueProvisioner : Testing consumer flow connection to queue scst/18d79f9e-849a-4cbc-b4da-b75f7a498510/test.queue.dev (will not start it)
    o.s.cloud.stream.binding.BindingService : Failed to create consumer binding; retrying in 30 seconds

    org.springframework.cloud.stream.binder.BinderException: Exception thrown while starting consumer:
    Caused by: com.solacesystems.jcsmp.AccessDeniedException: Permission Not Allowed

  • smpapas
    smpapas Member Posts: 19

    I figured out my issue and is working now as expected :)

  • marc
    marc Member, Administrator, Moderator, Employee Posts: 972 admin
    edited October 2021 #10

    Glad you figured it out @smpapas! Looking at the config I'm guessing it was that you needed to define a group on the consumeMessage-in-0 binding instead of the testConsumer-in-0 one?

  • azakovorotny
    azakovorotny Member Posts: 4
    edited July 2022 #11

    I am getting the same error when trying to connect to my local Solace with preset Queue and Topic with Spring Boot application using JMS:

        host: tcp://localhost:55555
        msgVpn: myVpn
        clientUsername: my_client
        clientPassword: default #password
        # dynamically create the queue if the matching queue name doesn't exist in the message broker:
          Solace_JMS_DynamicDurables: true
        # JMS Application environment/config property:
        # Consume messages from a topic rather than from a queue
        pub-sub-domain: true

    10:24:01.937 [DefaultMessageListenerContainer-11] DEBUG com.solacesystems.jms.SolSession - Client-12:jmsSession-11: Entering createConsumer(). Destination: T/myTopic messageSelector: null NoLocal: false 

    10:24:01.937 [DefaultMessageListenerContainer-11] DEBUG c.s.jms.SolMessageConsumer - SolMessageConsumer created. Destination: T/myTopic messageSelector: null  noLocal: false  state: Started  durable: false 

    10:24:01.937 [DefaultMessageListenerContainer-11] DEBUG c.s.jms.impl.ConsumerFactory - Creating non durable consumer for topic T/myTopic endpoint:  direct: false 

    10:24:01.941 [Context_13_ReactorThread] INFO c.s.jcsmp.impl.flow.BindRequestTask - Client-12: Got BIND ('') Error Response (403) - Permission Not Allowed 

    I guess I need more parameters here as mentioned in the above posts, but I cannot find any example/documentation that outlines Spring application properties suitable for Solace JMS.

    show client-username my_client detail

    Total Client Usernames :   5 of 102

     Configured      :   5

     Dynamic        :   0

    Username        : my_client

    Message VPN       : myVpn

    Enabled         : Yes

    Permission Override   : No

    Client Profile     : my_cp

    ACL Profile       : my_acl

    Authorization Group   :

    Dynamically configured : No

    Password Configured   : Yes

    Subscription Manager  : No

    # Clients        : 1

     Service SMF      : 1

     Service Web Transport : 0

    Max Connections     : 100

     Service SMF      : 100

     Service Web Transport : 100

    # Endpoints       : 2

    Max Endpoints      : 1000

    Profile Name : my_acl

    Vpn Name   : myVpn

     Client Connect Default Action : allow

      Exceptions : 0

     Publish Topic Default Action : allow

      Exceptions : 0

     Subscribe Topic Default Action : allow

      Exceptions : 0

     Subscribe Share Name Default Action : allow

      Exceptions : 0

  • marc
    marc Member, Administrator, Moderator, Employee Posts: 972 admin

    Hi @azakovorotny,

    Your issue will be different than the others referred to in this thread as the initial poster was using the Spring Cloud Stream binder which does NOT use JMS.

    Given your error it looks like your client-username doesn't have permission to create the endpoint. Can you check your "my_cp" client-profile and see if it has "Allow Client to Create Endpoints" set to true?

    If it's already set to true please go ahead and create a separate discussion in the forum to avoid confusion for others that find this thread in the future.

    Hope that helps!

  • azakovorotny
    azakovorotny Member Posts: 4

    Thank you Marc! Fixing the profile resolved this issue.