Solace Community is getting a facelift!

On March 3rd we will be starting the process of migrating Solace Community to a new platform. As a result, Solace Community will go in to a temporary read-only state. You will still be able to come onto Solace Community and search through posts to find answers, but you won't be able to ask questions, post comments, or react in any way.

We hope to have the migration complete by Wednesday March 5th (or sooner), so please keep an eye out!

Access the Solace Admin from the Virtual Machine Host

delly_fofie Member Posts: 2
edited May 2021 in General Discussions #1

Hello dear community,
I'm new to solace in general and I would liked to get a support the following case.
I have a centos 7 virtual machine running on My Windows Host, Inside the VM, I have Docker installed and a running solace container, The ports are correctly forwarded to the outside of the Docker and to the outside of the virtual machine.
For some reasons when I try to access http://localhost:8080 -> in My case http://localhost:8888 since I've forwarded the ** 8080 -> 8888** I properly get the login page, but when I enter the credentials, I get an internal Server Error which.
I tried to look in the browser to see the network calls, and it seems like the APIs calls are adding a kind of /__private_monitor__/ path to all the request.
I assume it is a configuration issue with my solace, can someone guide we through it ?

If you wonder what is the content of the show service cli command:

Service    TP  S C R VRF   MsgVpn          Port  A O Failed Reason
---------- --- ----- ----- --------------- ----- --- --------------------------
SEMP       TCP N - - Mgmt                   8080 U U
SEMP       TCP Y - - Mgmt                   1943 U D No Cert
SMF        TCP N N N Mgmt                  55555 U U
SMF        TCP N Y N Mgmt                  55003 U U
SMF        TCP N N Y Mgmt                  55556 U D
SMF        TCP Y N N Mgmt                  55443 U D No Cert
SMF        WEB N - - Mgmt                   8008 U U
SMF        WEB Y - - Mgmt                   1443 U D No Cert
MQTT       TCP N - - Mgmt  default          1883 U U
MQTT       TCP Y - - Mgmt  default          8883 U D No Cert
MQTT       WEB N - - Mgmt  default          8000 U U
MQTT       WEB Y - - Mgmt  default          8443 U D No Cert
AMQP       TCP Y - - Mgmt                        U D No Cert
AMQP       TCP N - - MsgBB default          5672 U U
AMQP       TCP Y - - MsgBB default          5671 U D No Cert
REST       WEB N - - Mgmt  default          9000 U U
REST       WEB Y - - Mgmt  default          9443 U D No Cert
MATELINK   TCP N N N Mgmt                   8741 U D Missing Mate Address
HEALTHCHK  TCP N N N Mgmt                   5550 U U
REDUNDANCY TCP Y N N Mgmt                   8300 U D
REDUNDANCY T+U Y N N Mgmt                   8301 U D
REDUNDANCY T+U Y N N Mgmt                   8302 U D


  • uherbst
    uherbst Member, Employee Posts: 131 Solace Employee

    Hi delly_fofie,
    could you post your docker-run command ?


  • delly_fofie
    delly_fofie Member Posts: 2
    edited May 2021 #3

    @uherbst said:
    Hi delly_fofie,
    could you post your docker-run command ?


    I'm using docker-compose, here is my docker compose file:

        container_name: pubSubStandardSingleNode
        image: solace/solace-pubsub-standard:latest
        shm_size: 1g
          core: 1
            soft: 2448
            hard: 38048
            condition: on-failure
            max_attempts: 1
          - "8888:8080"
          - "55555:55555"
          - username_admin_globalaccesslevel=admin
          - username_admin_password=admin
          - system_scaling_maxconnectioncount=100
  • uherbst
    uherbst Member, Employee Posts: 131 Solace Employee

    Just guessing:
    First request to localhost:8888 get's some URL for login button or redirect or something... and maybe that URL to come back to the broker is just wrong (and includes Port 8080 instead of 8888)... but as I said... just guessing.
    I have to test.

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