Solace Platform for Practice
I am a new learner. I like to practice Solace Integration from Java and Python. Do I need to download Solace and install ? Or any Docker available ? Or is there Solace in Cloud that I can connect form My Java and Python for the practice ? I like to have 5 clients and 1 server and exchange the messages or events among them. Appreciate if any one can advise or suggest me the path.
Hi Ram,
We have the standard edition of PubSub+ available on DockerHub : can also start a free trial account for 60 days on :
Take time to discover our Event Portal to design your Application & Events flow, generate the AsyncAPI file and generate code skeletons.You can try out codelabs :
to learn how to code with Solace.To run a simple docker on your laptop :
docker run -d \ -p 8080:8080 -p 55555:55555 -p:8008:8008 -p:1883:1883 -p:8000:8000 -p:5672:5672 -p:9000:9000 -p:2222:2222 \ --shm-size=2g --env username_admin_globalaccesslevel=admin --env username_admin_password=admin \ --name=solace solace/solace-pubsub-standard \ && docker logs -f -n 1000 solace
Note: Allocate at least 5GB of RAM for docker (on mac a reboot may be required), and use the port 55’554 instead of 55’555 on MacOsX BigSur
Here are the port's usage :
port 8080 — Use this port when configuring the message broker container with Solace PubSub+ Broker Manager.
port 55555 — Your applications can use Solace APIs to connect to the message broker on this port.
port 8008 — The JavaScript sample applications below use this port to pass Web Messaging traffic through the message broker.
ports 8000 (& 1883)— Ports for MQTT connectivity, over TCP and over WebSockets respectively
port 5672 — AMQP 1.0 applications using Apache QPID APIs would connect here
port 9000 — Use REST to send messaging and event data with Solace’s RESTful API port
port 2222 — Use SSH to connect to the Solace Command Line Interface (CLI) for advanced configuration2