Login PubSub+ Broker Manager Failed

cjhuaxin Member Posts: 9

I don't know why, but the two brokers I deployed (one single node and one HA) suddenly can't log in, they have been fine before, before that I did an operation to create a DMR cluster (external link) for these two brokers.
Both nodes are prompted with the same error message

Best Answer

  • ChristianHoltfurth
    ChristianHoltfurth Member, Employee Posts: 75 Solace Employee
    #2 Answer ✓

    Hi @cjhuaxin ,
    What's the URL in your browser your are pointing to?
    The screenshots in the console seem to indicate that you are pointing the browser to the private monitoring API of the broker and I'm wondering, if that might be the issue.
    Can you point your browser to your broker's admin interface directly, something like and see, if you can log in there?


  • ChristianHoltfurth
    ChristianHoltfurth Member, Employee Posts: 75 Solace Employee
    #3 Answer ✓

    Hi @cjhuaxin ,
    What's the URL in your browser your are pointing to?
    The screenshots in the console seem to indicate that you are pointing the browser to the private monitoring API of the broker and I'm wondering, if that might be the issue.
    Can you point your browser to your broker's admin interface directly, something like and see, if you can log in there?

  • cjhuaxin
    cjhuaxin Member Posts: 9

    Thank you very much, I'm pretty sure the browser URL is, but I'm back to normal now.
    I'm watching to see if this problem will occur again, thanks again.

  • Aaron
    Aaron Member, Administrator, Moderator, Employee Posts: 662 admin

    Are these Docker containers, or machine images? Can you still log into CLI? Either via SSH'ing to port 2222, or doing docker exec -it <solaceContainerName> cli if using Docker, or via solacectl cli if using a machine image? We might be able to extract some diagnostics if you can get into CLI.

  • Aaron
    Aaron Member, Administrator, Moderator, Employee Posts: 662 admin

    @cjhuaxin glad to see it is working, just a misunderstanding!

    How did you manage to find that weird URL anyhow?

    Also, I made you a queue. ;-)

  • cjhuaxin
    cjhuaxin Member Posts: 9

    When this problem occurs, can I log into the CLI normally, do I need to provide any log information?
    Also, this URL in the screenshot above is what appears when I click on the login on the interface

  • ChristianHoltfurth
    ChristianHoltfurth Member, Employee Posts: 75 Solace Employee

    @cjhuaxin Glad to hear it's working! :)