🎄 Happy Holidays! 🥳
Most of Solace is closed December 24–January 1 so our employees can spend time with their families. We will re-open Thursday, January 2, 2024. Please expect slower response times during this period and open a support ticket for anything needing immediate assistance.
Happy Holidays!
Please note: most of Solace is closed December 25–January 2, and will re-open Tuesday, January 3, 2023.
Docker will not work
I've been working with solace for a while now, and i've allways ran it localy on docker.
I've switched to linux recently and a stange thing happened.
Yesterday I was running solace ok on my machine, with docker, but today, I can not make it work.
Nothing major has changed but solace just wont work on docker.
This is the docker-compose i use:
version: '3.9' services: mongo: image: mongo:latest environment: MONGO_INITDB_ROOT_USERNAME: admin MONGO_INITDB_ROOT_PASSWORD: admin ports: - "27017:27017" volumes: - /home/Docker/mongodb/database:/data/db solace: image: solace/solace-pubsub-standard:latest shm_size: 1g ulimits: core: 1 nofile: soft: 2448 hard: 6592 ports: #Web transport - '8008:8008' #Web transport over TLS #- '1443:1443' #SEMP over TLS #- '1943:1943' #MQTT Default VPN - '1883:1883' #AMQP Default VPN over TLS #- '5671:5671' #AMQP Default VPN - '5672:5672' #MQTT Default VPN over WebSockets - '8000:8000' #MQTT Default VPN over WebSockets / TLS #- '8443:8443' #MQTT Default VPN over TLS #- '8883:8883' #SEMP / PubSub+ Manager - '8080:8080' #REST Default VPN - '9000:9000' #REST Default VPN over TLS #- '9443:9443' #SMF - '55555:55555' #SMF Compressed #- '55003:55003' #SMF over TLS #- '55443:55443' #SSH connection to CLI - '2222:2222' environment: - username_admin_globalaccesslevel=admin - username_admin_password=admin - system_scaling_maxconnectioncount=100
I can run mongo and access mongo, but solace just wont let me login, it timesout after some time.
Hello @uherbst
That was the first thing i did and the logs did not change with the request.
There was only the boot logs.
I even put it on watch and made the login and nothing happened
Thanks0 -
Hi @PedromDimas,
Would you share this information with us:
- output of
docker ps -a
- output of
docker logs solace
- output of
docker inspect solace
You say: "Solace just wont let me login". How do you login ? ssh ? Browser ? "docker exec ...cli" ? Something else ?
0 - output of
Fun fact, just reinstalled linux and the problem persists.
Which leads me to belive that is a problem with Docker it self (which is odd given mongo works just fine) or a problem with the image.0 -
Hm, that's strange, you have an empty list of Binds and Mounts in your docker inspect output.
Would you mind deleting your solace container and starting it with a docker run command (instead of docker-compose), just to see the difference.
0 -
Hello @uherbst
So i did teh exec -it and it did not work, it gave me an error after 3 seconds
and stating solace the other way did nothing as far as i can tellThank you for your time
0 -
Hello, same issue of @PedromDimas here.
@uherbst do you have the chance to have a look?
You can find my report below.
% docker run -d -p 8080:8080 -p 55554:55555 -p 8008:8008 -p 1883:1883 -p 8000:8000 -p 5672:5672 -p 9000:9000 -p 2222:2222 --shm-size=4g --env username_admin_globalaccesslevel=admin --env username_admin_password=admin --memory="3g" --name=solace solace/solace-pubsub-standard
macOS 10.15.7 (Intel architecture)
Docker version 20.10.9, build c2ea9bc
To run Docker I (have to) use Rancher Desktop. It doesn't give any particular problems though.
% docker info
Context: default
Debug Mode: false
buildx: Docker Buildx (Docker Inc., v0.7.1)
compose: Docker Compose (Docker Inc., v2.2.3)
Containers: 18
Running: 1
Stopped: 17
Images: 19
Server Version: 20.10.14
Storage Driver: overlay2
Backing Filesystem: extfs
Supports d_type: true
Native Overlay Diff: true
userxattr: false
Logging Driver: json-file
Cgroup Driver: cgroupfs
Cgroup Version: 1
Volume: local
Network: bridge host ipvlan macvlan null overlay
Log: awslogs fluentd gcplogs gelf journald json-file local logentries splunk syslog
Swarm: inactive
Runtimes: io.containerd.runc.v2 io.containerd.runtime.v1.linux runc
Default Runtime: runc
Init Binary: docker-init
containerd version: 3df54a852345ae127d1fa3092b95168e4a88e2f8
runc version: 52b36a2dd837e8462de8e01458bf02cf9eea47dd
init version:
Security Options:
Profile: default
Kernel Version: 5.15.32-0-virt
Operating System: Alpine Linux v3.15
OSType: linux
Architecture: x86_64
CPUs: 2
Total Memory: 5.809GiB
Name: lima-rancher-desktop
Docker Root Dir: /var/lib/docker
Debug Mode: false
Registry: https://index.docker.io/v1/
Experimental: false
Insecure Registries:
Live Restore Enabled: false
When the container is started the solace cli has not effect (see below)
% docker exec -it solace cli
SolOS startup in progress, status: 'Finishing pre-startup actions'
Please try again later...
% docker exec -it solace cli
When I try to log in using the web interface I get the timeout message
Timeout of 30000ms exceeded
and the container dies. After that I get the logs below:
% docker logs solace
Host Boot ID: ffbd1abc-f121-4a1d-846f-eac3e7452658
Starting PubSub+ Software Event Broker Container: Tue May 24 10:18:40 UTC 2022
Setting umask to 077
SolOS Version: soltr_9.13.1.38
2022-05-24T10:18:41.434+00:00 <syslog.info> 0f7cda9acb01 rsyslogd: [origin software="rsyslogd" swVersion="8.2102.0-5.el8" x-pid="115" x-info="https://www.rsyslog.com"] start
2022-05-24T10:18:42.433+00:00 <local6.info> 0f7cda9acb01 appuser[113]: rsyslog startup
2022-05-24T10:18:43.457+00:00 <local0.info> 0f7cda9acb01 appuser: EXTERN_SCRIPT INFO: Log redirection enabled, beginning playback of startup log buffer
2022-05-24T10:18:43.470+00:00 <local0.info> 0f7cda9acb01 appuser: EXTERN_SCRIPT INFO: /usr/sw/var/soltr_9.13.1.38/db/dbBaseline does not exist, generating from confd template
2022-05-24T10:18:43.510+00:00 <local0.info> 0f7cda9acb01 appuser: EXTERN_SCRIPT INFO: repairDatabase.py: no database to process
2022-05-24T10:18:43.534+00:00 <local0.info> 0f7cda9acb01 appuser: EXTERN_SCRIPT INFO: Finished playback of log buffer
2022-05-24T10:18:43.555+00:00 <local0.info> 0f7cda9acb01 appuser: EXTERN_SCRIPT INFO: Updating dbBaseline with dynamic instance metadata
2022-05-24T10:18:43.861+00:00 <local0.info> 0f7cda9acb01 appuser: EXTERN_SCRIPT INFO: Generating SSH key
ssh-keygen: generating new host keys: RSA DSA ECDSA ED25519
2022-05-24T10:18:44.257+00:00 <local0.info> 0f7cda9acb01 appuser: EXTERN_SCRIPT INFO: Starting solace process
2022-05-24T10:18:46.490+00:00 <local0.info> 0f7cda9acb01 appuser: EXTERN_SCRIPT INFO: Launching solacedaemon: /usr/sw/loads/soltr_9.13.1.38/bin/solacedaemon --vmr -z -f /var/lib/solace/config/SolaceStartup.txt -r -1
2022-05-24T10:18:50.584+00:00 <local0.info> 0f7cda9acb01 appuser[200]: unknownDir post:262 (EXTERN_SCRIP - 0x00000000) unknownThread WARN POST Violation [023]:Recommended system resource missing, System CPUs do not support invariant TSC (nonstop_tsc)
File: /
Size: 4096 Blocks: 8 IO Block: 4096 directory
Device: 3bh/59d Inode: 4328695 Links: 1
Access: (0755/drwxr-xr-x) Uid: ( 0/ appuser) Gid: ( 0/ root)
Access: 2022-05-24 10:18:50.880007748 +0000
Modify: 2022-05-24 10:18:40.190007682 +0000
Change: 2022-05-24 10:18:43.460007702 +0000
Birth: 2022-05-24 10:18:40.190007682 +0000
2022-05-24T10:18:53.183+00:00 <local0.warning> 0f7cda9acb01 appuser[1]: /usr/sw main.cpp:752 (SOLDAEMON - 0x00000000) main(0)@solacedaemon WARN Determining platform type: [ OK ]
2022-05-24T10:18:53.221+00:00 <local0.warning> 0f7cda9acb01 appuser[1]: /usr/sw main.cpp:752 (SOLDAEMON - 0x00000000) main(0)@solacedaemon WARN Generating license file: [ OK ]
2022-05-24T10:18:53.409+00:00 <local0.warning> 0f7cda9acb01 appuser[1]: /usr/sw main.cpp:752 (SOLDAEMON - 0x00000000) main(0)@solacedaemon WARN Running pre-startup checks: [ OK ]
2022-05-24T10:18:53.459+00:00 <local0.warning> 0f7cda9acb01 appuser[271]: /usr/sw ipcCommon.cpp:447 (BASE_IPC - 0x00000000) main(0)@cli(?) WARN SolOS is not currently up - aborting attempt to start cli process
Unable to raise event; rc(would block)
Obviously this is a show stopper because not being able to use PubSub+ in a containerized environment means no automatic tests.
Thank you
0 -
In the meantime, I tried your docker command at my Mac (12.3.1):
docker run -d -p 8080:8080 -p 55554:55555 -p 8008:8008 -p 1883:1883 -p 8000:8000 -p 5672:5672 -p 9000:9000 -p 2222:2222 --shm-size=4g --env username_admin_globalaccesslevel=admin --env username_admin_password=admin --memory="3g" --name=solace solace/solace-pubsub-standard
=> works as expected. So it's not your docker-run-command.
1 -
thank you uherbst.
I wasn't able to find any volume for this image inside macOS. Instead I could access those files using the shell of the solace container.
Please note that the container dies after about 3 minutes, so I had to read event.log and debug.log in 2 different runs.
I need to split the message in three because of a limitation in this forum.
% docker exec -it solace /bin/sh
sh-4.4$ less /usr/sw/jail/logs/event.log
T13:17:56.496+00:00 <local3.notice> ac46edc01f72 event: SYSTEM: SYSTEM_AD_MSG_SPOOL_CHG: - - Message spool on Primary Virtual Router operational state change from AD-Unknown to AD-NotReady
T13:17:56.496+00:00 <local3.notice> ac46edc01f72 event: SYSTEM: SYSTEM_AD_MSG_SPOOL_CHG: - - Message spool on Primary Virtual Router operational state change from AD-NotReady to AD-Disabled
T13:17:56.497+00:00 <local3.notice> ac46edc01f72 event: SYSTEM: SYSTEM_AD_MSG_SPOOL_CHG: - - Message spool on Backup Virtual Router operational state change from AD-Unknown to AD-NotReady
T13:17:56.497+00:00 <local3.notice> ac46edc01f72 event: SYSTEM: SYSTEM_AD_MSG_SPOOL_CHG: - - Message spool on Backup Virtual Router operational state change from AD-NotReady to AD-Disabled
T13:17:56.497+00:00 <local3.warning> ac46edc01f72 event: SYSTEM: SYSTEM_LINK_ADB_LINK_DOWN: - - ADB Mate link 1/3/1 changed from Unknown to LOS due to N/A
T13:17:56.497+00:00 <local3.info> ac46edc01f72 event: SYSTEM: SYSTEM_LINK_ADB_LINK_UP: - - ADB Mate link 1/3/2 changed from Unknown to Ok
T13:17:56.497+00:00 <local3.err> ac46edc01f72 event: SYSTEM: SYSTEM_LINK_ADB_HELLO_PROTOCOL_DOWN: - - ADB Mate link hello protocol is down due to mate-link down
T13:17:59.247+00:00 <local3.info> ac46edc01f72 event: SYSTEM: SYSTEM_SERVICE_LISTEN_PORT_ENABLE: - - Service SEMP Listen Port 8080 enabled
T13:17:59.248+00:00 <local3.info> ac46edc01f72 event: SYSTEM: SYSTEM_SERVICE_LISTEN_PORT_ENABLE: - - Service SEMP SSL Listen Port 1943 enabled
T13:17:59.250+00:00 <local3.info> ac46edc01f72 event: SYSTEM: SYSTEM_SERVICE_LISTEN_PORT_ENABLE: - - Service SMF Listen Port 55555 enabled
T13:17:59.250+00:00 <local3.info> ac46edc01f72 event: SYSTEM: SYSTEM_SERVICE_LISTEN_PORT_ENABLE: - - Service SMFC Listen Port 55003 enabled
T13:17:59.250+00:00 <local3.info> ac46edc01f72 event: SYSTEM: SYSTEM_SERVICE_LISTEN_PORT_ENABLE: - - Service SMF Listen Port 55556 enabled
T13:17:59.251+00:00 <local3.info> ac46edc01f72 event: SYSTEM: SYSTEM_SERVICE_LISTEN_PORT_ENABLE: - - Service SMF-SSL Listen Port 55443 enabled
T13:17:59.251+00:00 <local3.info> ac46edc01f72 event: SYSTEM: SYSTEM_SERVICE_LISTEN_PORT_ENABLE: - - Service Matelink Listen Port 8741 enabled
T13:17:59.252+00:00 <local3.info> ac46edc01f72 event: SYSTEM: SYSTEM_SERVICE_LISTEN_PORT_ENABLE: - - Service HealthCheck Listen Port 5550 enabled
T13:17:59.254+00:00 <local3.info> ac46edc01f72 event: SYSTEM: SYSTEM_SERVICE_LISTEN_PORT_ENABLE: - - Service Web Transport Listen Port 8008 enabled
T13:17:59.254+00:00 <local3.info> ac46edc01f72 event: SYSTEM: SYSTEM_SERVICE_LISTEN_PORT_ENABLE: - - Service Web Transport SSL Listen Port 1443 enabled
T13:17:59.368+00:00 <local3.notice> ac46edc01f72 event: SYSTEM: SYSTEM_AD_MSG_SPOOL_CHG: - - Message spool on Primary Virtual Router operational state change from AD-Disabled to AD-Standby
T13:17:59.590+00:00 <local3.warning> ac46edc01f72 event: SYSTEM: SYSTEM_CFGSYNC_DOWN: - - The Config-Sync feature is operationally down.
0 -
% docker exec -it solace /bin/sh
sh-4.4$ less /usr/sw/jail/logs/debug.log
.178+...... mgmtplane: /usr/sw moTypeHdlrRouterServiceSmf.cpp:67 (MP - 0x00000000) MplThread(3)@mgmtplane(9) WARN Service SMF listen port 55556 enabled
.178+...... mgmtplane: /usr/sw moTypeHdlrRouterServiceSmf.cpp:67 (MP - 0x00000000) MplThread(3)@mgmtplane(9) WARN Service SMF-SSL listen port 55443 enabled
.178+...... mgmtplane: /usr/sw moTypeHdlrRouterServiceMatelink:25 (MP - 0x00000000) MplThread(3)@mgmtplane(9) WARN Service Matelink listen port 8741 enabled
.178+...... mgmtplane: /usr/sw moTypeHdlrRouterServiceHealthCh:27 (MP - 0x00000000) MplThread(3)@mgmtplane(9) WARN Service HealthCheck listen port 5550 enabled
.179+...... mgmtplane: /usr/sw moTypeHdlrRouterServiceWebTrans:45 (MP - 0x00000000) MplThread(3)@mgmtplane(9) WARN Service Web Transport listen port 8008 enabled
.179+...... mgmtplane: /usr/sw moTypeHdlrRouterServiceWebTrans:45 (MP - 0x00000000) MplThread(3)@mgmtplane(9) WARN Service Web Transport SSL listen port 1443 enabled
.182+...... dataplane-linux[458]: unknownDir ipInterface.cpp:117 (LC_MGMT_THRE - 0x00000000) unknownThread WARN Core 0: IpInterface::ctor intf0:1 IPv6 addr (word1 0 word2 0)
.187+...... mgmtplane: /usr/sw moTypeHdlrIntfIp.cpp:1007 (MP - 0x00000000) MplThread(3)@mgmtplane(9) WARN Operational IP interface intf0:1(eth0): admin status UP
.197+...... mgmtplane: /usr/sw moTypeHdlrIntfIp.cpp:1021 (MP - 0x00000000) MplThread(3)@mgmtplane(9) WARN Operational IP interface intf0:1(eth0): got assigned ip addr
.229+...... mgmtplane: /usr/sw sshUtils.cpp:54 (MP - 0x00000000) MplThread(3)@mgmtplane(9) WARN Starting SSHD service
.230+...... appuser[1]: /usr/sw main.cpp:2843 (SOLDAEMON - 0x00000000) main(0)@solacedaemon WARN Starting dynamic child: /usr/sbin/sshd -D &> /var/log/solace/sshd.log
.230+...... appuser[324]: /usr/sw adCmnOperation.cpp:337 (ADMANAGER - 0x00000000) AdMgmtThread(4)@dataplane(11) WARN Enable health monitoring for operation (SA:JournalDiskLatency)
.230+...... appuser[324]: /usr/sw adCmnOperation.cpp:337 (ADMANAGER - 0x00000000) AdMgmtThread(4)@dataplane(11) WARN Enable health monitoring for operation (SA:BackingStoreDiskThroughput)
.230+...... appuser[324]: /usr/sw adCmnOperation.cpp:337 (ADMANAGER - 0x00000000) AdMgmtThread(4)@dataplane(11) WARN Enable health monitoring for operation (SA:NetworkLatency)
.230+...... appuser[324]: /usr/sw adCmnOperation.cpp:337 (ADMANAGER - 0x00000000) AdMgmtThread(4)@dataplane(11) WARN Enable health monitoring for operation (SA:MateLinkLatency)
.231+...... appuser[324]: /usr/sw adCmnOperation.cpp:337 (ADMANAGER - 0x00000000) AdFgThread(3)@dataplane(11) WARN Enable health monitoring for operation (FG:ComputeLatency)
.231+...... dataplane-linux[458]: unknownDir redundancyMsgMoHdlr.cpp:114 (MP - 0x00000000) unknownThread WARN Core 0: Redundancy interface "intf0" configured
.231+...... appuser[325]: /usr/sw mplRedundancyHdlr.cpp:416 (REDUNDANCY - 0x00000000) RedundancyThread(10)@controlplane(10) WARN Redundancy interface "intf0" configured
.231+...... appuser[325]: /usr/sw mplRedundancyHdlr.cpp:723 (REDUNDANCY - 0x00000000) RedundancyThread(10)@controlplane(10) WARN Primary Redundancy IpInterface [intf0] admin state changed from invalid to disabled
.231+...... appuser[325]: /usr/sw mplRedundancyHdlr.cpp:738 (REDUNDANCY - 0x00000000) RedundancyThread(10)@controlplane(10) WARN Backup Redundancy IpInterface [intf0] admin state changed from invalid to disabled
.232+...... appuser[325]: /usr/sw mplRedundancyHdlr.cpp:749 (REDUNDANCY - 0x00000000) RedundancyThread(10)@controlplane(10) WARN Static Redundancy IpInterface [intf0] admin state changed from invalid to enabled
.233+...... appuser[325]: /usr/sw redundancyThread.cpp:794 (REDUNDANCY - 0x00000000) RedundancyThread(10)@controlplane(10) WARN Message spool disk is responsive again
.292+...... mgmtplane: /usr/sw mpliMoMgr.cpp:656 (MP - 0x00000000) MplThread(3)@mgmtplane(9) WARN Restoring all MOs complete
.294+...... appuser[325]: /usr/sw redundancyFsm.cpp:927 (REDUNDANCY - 0x00000000) RedundancyThread(10)@controlplane(10) WARN PrimaryRedundancyFSM (in Init) LocalStateAggregator::evaluate: new localReady = 1, localPriority = 150
.294+...... appuser[325]: /usr/sw redundancyFsm.cpp:934 (REDUNDANCY - 0x00000000) RedundancyThread(10)@controlplane(10) WARN isMgmtRelease(false) isAdReady(true) isLinecardReady(true) isVrrpActive(false)
.294+...... appuser[325]: /usr/sw redundancyFsm.cpp:937 (REDUNDANCY - 0x00000000) RedundancyThread(10)@controlplane(10) WARN isSystemShuttingDown(false)
.294+...... appuser[325]: /usr/sw redundancyFsm.cpp:942 (REDUNDANCY - 0x00000000) RedundancyThread(10)@controlplane(10) WARN isAaLocalActive(false) isAutoRevert_m(false) revertActivity(false)
.294+...... appuser[325]: /usr/sw redundancyFsm.cpp:947 (REDUNDANCY - 0x00000000) RedundancyThread(10)@controlplane(10) WARN isSmrpReady(true) isSmrpDbBuildReady(true) isSmrpDbSyncReady(true)
.294+...... appuser[325]: /usr/sw redundancyFsm.cpp:954 (REDUNDANCY - 0x00000000) RedundancyThread(10)@controlplane(10) WARN isClusterReady(false) haveMsgBB(false) haveRouter(false) haveConsulAD(false)
.298+...... appuser[325]: /usr/sw adCpRedundancyFsm.cpp:860 (AD_REDUN - 0x00000000) unknownThread(0)@controlplane(10) WARN - State transition to AD-Standby
.470+...... mgmtplane: /usr/sw nginxUtils.cpp:112 (BASE_UTILS - 0x00000000) XmlSwitchThread(8)@mgmtplane(9) WARN Creating empty nginxSsl.conf
.483+...... mgmtplane: /usr/sw nginxUtils.cpp:344 (BASE_UTILS - 0x00000000) XmlSwitchThread(8)@mgmtplane(9) WARN Starting uwsgi
.484+...... appuser[1]: /usr/sw main.cpp:2843 (SOLDAEMON - 0x00000000) main(0)@solacedaemon WARN Starting dynamic child: uwsgi --ini loads/soltr_9.13.1.38/scripts/sempv2/uwsgi.ini --set sempV1Port=1025 2>/usr/sw/jail/diags/uwsgi_startup.log
0 -
.485+...... mgmtplane: /usr/sw nginxUtils.cpp:355 (BASE_UTILS - 0x00000000) XmlSwitchThread(8)@mgmtplane(9) WARN Starting nginx
.486+...... appuser[1]: /usr/sw main.cpp:2843 (SOLDAEMON - 0x00000000) main(0)@solacedaemon WARN Starting dynamic child: nginx -c /var/lib/solace/config/nginx.conf -g "pid /var/run/solace/nginx.pid;" 2>/usr/sw/jail/diags/nginx_startup.log
.495+...... mgmtplane: /usr/sw logging.cpp:382 (BASE_LOG - 0x00000001) MplThread(3)@mgmtplane(9) WARN Restarting syslog service (15).
T13:22:56.960+...... appuser[322]: /usr/sw watchdog.cpp:1419 (WATCHDOG - 0x00000000) Watchdog(3)@watchdog(15) WARN Did not get poll response from MplThread(3)@mgmtplane(9), sequence number = 3, attempt = 1
T13:23:02.036+...... appuser[322]: /usr/sw watchdog.cpp:1419 (WATCHDOG - 0x00000000) Watchdog(3)@watchdog(15) WARN Did not get poll response from MplThread(3)@mgmtplane(9), sequence number = 3, attempt = 2
T13:23:07.041+...... appuser[322]: /usr/sw watchdog.cpp:1419 (WATCHDOG - 0x00000000) Watchdog(3)@watchdog(15) WARN Did not get poll response from MplThread(3)@mgmtplane(9), sequence number = 3, attempt = 3
T13:25:22.228+...... appuser[322]: /usr/sw watchdog.cpp:1419 (WATCHDOG - 0x00000000) Watchdog(3)@watchdog(15) WARN Did not get poll response from MplThread(3)@mgmtplane(9), sequence number = 3, attempt = 30
T13:25:22.228+00:00 <local0.err> .. appuser[322]: /usr/sw watchdog.cpp:1506 (WATCHDOG - 0x00000000) Watchdog(3)@watchdog(15) ERROR Did not get poll response from MplThread(3)@mgmtplane(9) after 30 attempts @ cycle count 29188297435510 -> checking for other unresponsive threads
T13:25:22.228+...... appuser[322]: /usr/sw watchdog.cpp:1543 (WATCHDOG - 0x00000000) Watchdog(3)@watchdog(15) WARN Performing broadcast poll attempt 1 of maximum 3 to check for unresponsive threads
T13:25:22.296+...... appuser[322]: /usr/sw watchdog.cpp:1615 (WATCHDOG - 0x00000000) Watchdog(3)@watchdog(15) WARN Total of 67 polls broadcast on poll attempt 1 - starting retry timer = 5000ms
T13:25:22.299+...... appuser[322]: /usr/sw watchdog.cpp:1359 (WATCHDOG - 0x00000000) Watchdog(3)@watchdog(15) WARN Marking LINECARD for core due to failure of a different thread/proc
T13:25:22.299+...... appuser[322]: /usr/sw watchdog.cpp:1350 (WATCHDOG - 0x00000000) Watchdog(3)@watchdog(15) WARN Marking pid 331 for core due to failure of a different thread/proc
T13:25:22.299+...... appuser[322]: /usr/sw watchdog.cpp:1350 (WATCHDOG - 0x00000000) Watchdog(3)@watchdog(15) WARN Marking pid 326 for core due to failure of a different thread/proc
Thank you
0 -
@dcremonini are you find the find the issue? I think i got same issue too