How to access the Solace CLI

sulfred Member Posts: 20
edited March 2022 in PubSub+ Event Broker #1

I am using docker image to run the solace broker. The image is solace/solace-pubsub-standard:latest . I would like to access the CLI and for example check the current version or log checking.

I followed the steps but it seems that there is not enough access right for me. I would like to ask what is the correct way to access the CLI in a docker container.


I am referencing to these doc:

# I think I can access as anonymous mode
docker exec -it solace /usr/sw/loads/currentload/bin/cli -A

Solace PubSub+ Standard Version

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Operating Mode: Message Routing Node

0f723cecbb20> solacectl version

 Invalid command input
        solacectl version
         -> unknown command, or command not available in current mode

Best Answer


  • uherbst
    uherbst Member, Employee Posts: 130 Solace Employee
    #3 Answer ✓

    Hi @sulfred ,

    your way of access cli is absolutely fine.

    If you access cli this way, you have global admin permission.

    Only with your command in cli, you're not correct.

    Just type

    show version

    This gives you all the version information.

    The complete reference for cli commands can be found here:

    Have a nice day.


  • sulfred
    sulfred Member Posts: 20

    Thanks for the reply, that works.

  • Tamimi
    Tamimi Member, Administrator, Employee Posts: 549 admin

    A quick tip on this that @Aaron pointed out to me a while back, you can access to Solace CLI in shorter form like this

    docker exec -it solace cli

  • Aaron
    Aaron Member, Administrator, Moderator, Employee Posts: 668 admin

    Yup! You can also ssh into the Docker container, if it was running on a different host (or just use localhost):

    ssh -p 2222 admin@<brokerIP>

    @sulfred the "solacectl" commands are for when you're using a machine image (like VirtualBox or VMWare), not Docker.

    p.s. I love CLI, and still use it more than the PubSub+Manager GUI..! 🤓

  • sulfred
    sulfred Member Posts: 20

    Thanks @Aaron for your information. As a beginner, I will stick into the GUI first but I cam imagine how fast if one is familiar with the CLI. lol