Dockerfile custom entry point not working in 9+?

jahwag Member Posts: 5
edited April 2022 in PubSub+ Event Broker #1

I am trying to create a Dockerfile with my VPN pre-populated through a configuration script called


FROM <hidden>/solace-pubsub-enterprise:

ADD config /config

USER root
RUN chmod +x /
RUN chmod +x /
RUN chmod +x /

HEALTHCHECK --interval=30s --timeout=30s CMD /



/ &


Container launches unhealthy because calls to http://localhost:8080/SEMP/v2 time out i.e. solace seems to not respond. Yet I can see the solacedaemon is running with docker top:

$ docker top be7c8333b7d4
UID                 PID                 PPID                C                   STIME               TTY                 TIME                CMD
root                2742                2718                0                   07:50               ?                   00:00:00            /bin/bash /
root                2774                2742                0                   07:50               ?                   00:00:00            bash /
root                2775                2742                0                   07:50               ?                   00:00:00            /usr/sw/loads/soltr_9.12.1.17/bin/solacedaemon --vmr -z -f /var/lib/solace/config/SolaceStartup.txt -r -1
root                2776                2774                0                   07:50               ?                   00:00:00            bash / localhost:8080 --timeout=60 -- echo Solace is up
root                3062                2742                1                   07:50               ?                   00:00:03            python3 /usr/sw/loads/soltr_9.12.1.17/scripts/vmr-solaudit -d --daemonize
root                3127                2775                0                   07:50               ?                   00:00:00            /usr/sw/loads/soltr_9.12.1.17/bin/watchdog -w 0 -R 900
root                3128                2775                0                   07:50               ?                   00:00:00            /usr/sw/loads/soltr_9.12.1.17/bin/cmdserver
root                3129                2775                11                  07:50               ?                   00:00:36            /usr/sw/loads/soltr_9.12.1.17/bin/dataplane -h 80
root                3130                2775                0                   07:50               ?                   00:00:00            /usr/sw/loads/soltr_9.12.1.17/bin/controlplane -h 80
root                3131                2775                0                   07:50               ?                   00:00:00            /usr/sw/loads/soltr_9.12.1.17/bin/smrp
root                3132                2775                0                   07:50               ?                   00:00:02            /usr/sw/loads/soltr_9.12.1.17/bin/mgmtplane
root                3133                2775                0                   07:50               ?                   00:00:02            /usr/sw/loads/soltr_9.12.1.17/bin/xmlmanager
root                3134                2775                0                   07:50               ?                   00:00:00            /usr/sw/loads/soltr_9.12.1.17/bin/trmmanager
root                3135                2775                0                   07:50               ?                   00:00:00            /usr/sw/loads/soltr_9.12.1.17/bin/msgbusadapter
root                3136                2775                0                   07:50               ?                   00:00:00            /usr/sw/loads/soltr_9.12.1.17/bin/solcachemgr
root                3267                2775                1                   07:50               ?                   00:00:05            /usr/sw/loads/soltr_9.12.1.17/firmware/3206/dataplane-linux
root                3289                2775                0                   07:50               ?                   00:00:00            /usr/sbin/sshd -D
root                3312                2775                0                   07:50               ?                   00:00:00            uwsgi --ini loads/soltr_9.12.1.17/scripts/sempv2/uwsgi.ini --set sempV1Port=1025
root                3313                2775                0                   07:50               ?                   00:00:00            nginx: master process nginx -c /var/lib/solace/config/nginx.conf -g pid /var/run/solace/;
root                3330                3313                0                   07:50               ?                   00:00:00            nginx: worker process

If I change Dockerfile ENTRYPOINT as follows:

ENTRYPOINT ["/usr/sbin/"]

then container will be healthy, but of course I do not get my pre-populated VPN.

I should add that this Dockerfile used to work with the older version

Thankful for any assistance!



  • arih
    arih Member, Employee Posts: 125 Solace Employee

    Not sure I can be of help, but was wondering if launching a normal container first and then execute some scripts to populate your VPN as part of a pipeline would be an alternative way?

  • arih
    arih Member, Employee Posts: 125 Solace Employee

    and for the main question, I think Solace support would be the best place to get a firm answer on this.

  • uherbst
    uherbst Member, Employee Posts: 130 Solace Employee

    Hi @jahwag,

    you earned an extra point for creativity - never seen such an idea for configuring a broker before :-)

    To understand your idea:

    just assuming that /usr/sbin/ is the standard entry point and will start the broker:

    If you do configure BEFORE starting the broker (and your own entry point first runs in the background and then starts the broker)... how can you ensure, that you configure something running ?

    The most common solution nowadays to configure a broker is using SEMP or tools like ansible (that use SEMP in the background).


  • jahwag
    jahwag Member Posts: 5
    edited April 2022 #5


    Thanks but I cannot take credit for the idea, it was originally by a coworker of mine who left the organisation :)

    The waits in the background for solace to start before it proceeds to use SEMP v2 to configure VPNs:

    #!/usr/bin/env bash
    echo "Waiting for Solace to start."
    echo ""
    / "localhost:8080" --timeout=60 -- echo "Solace is up"
    echo "Configuring Solace"
    echo ""
    curl -u admin:admin -s -H "Content-Type: application/json" -X POST -d @/config/domainevent/vpn.json http://localhost:8080/SEMP/v2/config/msgVpns
    echo ""

    The issue is that while this worked in the past with 8.5, with solace is unresponsive.

    The console output implies that the solace daemon starts successfully yet it does not become accessible so waits forever:

    2022-04-20T12:41:29.490191200Z Waiting for Solace to start.
    2022-04-20T12:41:29.491354400Z Host Boot ID: 3640e4c3-faf1-49b2-8a77-20f6fefc6110
    2022-04-20T12:41:29.492997900Z Starting PubSub+ Software Event Broker Container: Wed Apr 20 12:41:29 UTC 2022
    2022-04-20T12:41:29.493102500Z Waiting for Solace to be up
    2022-04-20T12:41:29.493721700Z Setting umask to 077
    2022-04-20T12:41:29.502613900Z SolOS Version: soltr_9.12.1.17
    2022-04-20T12:41:29.504381400Z Waiting...
    2022-04-20T12:41:30.212506000Z 2022-04-20T12:41:30.211+00:00 <> c2fac169a108 rsyslogd: [origin software="rsyslogd" swVersion="8.2110.0" x-pid="121" x-info=""] start
    2022-04-20T12:41:31.210417100Z 2022-04-20T12:41:31.210+00:00 <> c2fac169a108 appuser[119]: rsyslog startup
    2022-04-20T12:41:31.524022000Z Waiting...
    2022-04-20T12:41:32.227062500Z 2022-04-20T12:41:32.226+00:00 <> c2fac169a108 appuser: EXTERN_SCRIPT  INFO: Log redirection enabled, beginning playback of startup log buffer
    2022-04-20T12:41:32.235494600Z 2022-04-20T12:41:32.235+00:00 <> c2fac169a108 appuser: EXTERN_SCRIPT  INFO: /usr/sw/var/soltr_9.12.1.17/db/dbBaseline does not exist, generating from confd template
    2022-04-20T12:41:32.248085300Z 2022-04-20T12:41:32.247+00:00 <> c2fac169a108 appuser: EXTERN_SCRIPT  INFO: no database to process
    2022-04-20T12:41:32.255896300Z 2022-04-20T12:41:32.255+00:00 <> c2fac169a108 appuser: EXTERN_SCRIPT  INFO: Finished playback of log buffer
    2022-04-20T12:41:32.263949100Z 2022-04-20T12:41:32.263+00:00 <> c2fac169a108 appuser: EXTERN_SCRIPT  INFO: Updating dbBaseline with dynamic instance metadata
    2022-04-20T12:41:32.412320400Z 2022-04-20T12:41:32.412+00:00 <> c2fac169a108 appuser: EXTERN_SCRIPT  INFO: Generating SSH key
    2022-04-20T12:41:32.690091900Z ssh-keygen: generating new host keys: RSA1 RSA DSA ECDSA ED25519 
    2022-04-20T12:41:32.808605400Z 2022-04-20T12:41:32.808+00:00 <> c2fac169a108 appuser: EXTERN_SCRIPT  INFO: Starting solace process
    2022-04-20T12:41:33.535785900Z Waiting...
    2022-04-20T12:41:33.671110000Z 2022-04-20T12:41:33.670+00:00 <> c2fac169a108 appuser: EXTERN_SCRIPT  INFO: Launching solacedaemon: /usr/sw/loads/soltr_9.12.1.17/bin/solacedaemon --vmr -z -f /var/lib/solace/config/SolaceStartup.txt -r -1
    2022-04-20T12:41:35.553875100Z Waiting...
    2022-04-20T12:41:37.567266200Z Waiting...
    2022-04-20T12:41:39.579813800Z Waiting...
    2022-04-20T12:41:40.038702500Z 2022-04-20T12:41:40.038+00:00 <local0.warning> c2fac169a108 appuser[9]: /usr/sw                        main.cpp:752                          (SOLDAEMON    - 0x00000000) main(0)@solacedaemon                          WARN     Determining platform type: [  OK  ]
    2022-04-20T12:41:40.176412900Z 2022-04-20T12:41:40.176+00:00 <local0.warning> c2fac169a108 appuser[9]: /usr/sw                        main.cpp:752                          (SOLDAEMON    - 0x00000000) main(0)@solacedaemon                          WARN     Running pre-startup checks: [  OK  ]
    2022-04-20T12:41:41.600657000Z Waiting...
    2022-04-20T12:41:43.622347100Z Waiting...
    2022-04-20T12:41:45.640817400Z Waiting...
    2022-04-20T12:41:47.664595000Z Waiting...
    2022-04-20T12:41:49.676532300Z Waiting...

    This has me stumped!

    If I use /usr/sbin/ as entry point and then connect to a terminal inside the docker container then I am able to successfully run