Solace Community is getting a facelift!

On March 3rd we will be starting the process of migrating Solace Community to a new platform. As a result, Solace Community will go in to a temporary read-only state. You will still be able to come onto Solace Community and search through posts to find answers, but you won't be able to ask questions, post comments, or react in any way.

We hope to have the migration complete by Wednesday March 5th (or sooner), so please keep an eye out!

Getting error 503: Unknown Queue [Subcode:20]

Sumit Member Posts: 9
edited September 2019 in General Discussions #1

Hi there,
Thanks for the reply on my earlier question.
Here is the new problem statement:
I am using Solace connector to connect my broker and consume messages. I have a dataflow streaming pipeline started but its throwing below error.

com.solacesystems.jcsmp.JCSMPErrorResponseException: 503: Unknown Queue [Subcode:20]

Here is the state of my message broker on the destination side:

Message VPN
Messaging Stats
Client Data Messages
- Received message 1
- Sent message 0
Message Discards
Incoming Message Discards 1
Outgoing Message Discards 0
Static bridge - red_to_blue - status is up
Local and Remote Queue Name - blue_test_red_test_Queue
Subscription - Nothing is subscribed
Client Data Messages - 1
Message Discards
Incoming Message Discards 0
Outgoing Message Discards 0
blue_test_red_test_Queue - incoming is on and outgoing is on. type exclusive. consumer 1. durable yes
no subscriptions
Delivery State - Deliver from Input Stream
Cumulative Statistics (since reload/clear)
Messages Redelivered 0
Messages Queued (MB) 0
Messages Queued (msgs) 0

Configuration in java code

String host = "tcp://<ip>:55555";
Collection<SolaceTextRecord> input1 =
            .withConnectionConfiguration(SolaceIO.ConnectionConfiguration.create(host, queues)

On pushing the message to my source message vpn, I am getting this error. What am I missing?

503: Unknown Queue [Subcode:20]


Best Answers

  • Sumit
    Sumit Member Posts: 9
    #3 Answer ✓

    Moving the last question to separate discussion. On stopping the connector these messages stopped on destination broker which shows that its the connector that was throwing something to the broker. Thanks!


  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Posts: 0 ✭✭

    Of course .withVpn() would also achieve the result of putting you in the correct VPN.

  • Sumit
    Sumit Member Posts: 9
    #6 Answer ✓

    Moving the last question to separate discussion. On stopping the connector these messages stopped on destination broker which shows that its the connector that was throwing something to the broker. Thanks!

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