Does Solace have an inbuilt schema registry ?

Does Solace have an inbuilt schema registry ? Is that an open source registry? What problem is the registry solving in Solace?


  • TomF
    TomF Member, Employee Posts: 412 Solace Employee

    Hi @rramakrishnan,

    There is no in-built schema registry in the PubSub+ broker. The PubSub+ platform stores schema definitions in Event Portal, where you can define not only a schema against an Event, but the topic, the producing and receiving applications, and document the schema and the events that reference it.

    You have the option of exporting asyncAPI definitions for your events from Event Portal. You can then generate Spring code from your asyncAPI, or if you use Event Portal integrated connectors such as the Boomi/Solace connector or the Mulesoft/Solace connector, you'll get schema registration AND validation built in.

    Event Portal also gives you the option of discovering what events are already flowing across your Event Mesh or Kafka clusters (others coming soon), making it easier to bring schema discipline to existing event flows.

    It's a different approach to having a broker side schema registry, but it provides more functionality in an easier to use format we believe. We also think this approach scales better across an enterprise.

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