mqtt subscribe disallow does not trigger disconnect

Matthias Member Posts: 4


i defined such a "subscribe acl" .

I tested with paho mqtt client and can subscribe also not allowed topic without disconnect.

Can anyone say, why i'm not disconnected during subscibe not allowed topic ? 

(i expect a disconnect, but this does not occur.)

...because if i try publish not allowed topic, there is a disconnect from solace broker, as i expect.

> show acl-profile **** message-vpn **** detail

Profile Name : vehicle_prod_ap

Vpn Name   : vpn

 Client Connect Default Action : allow

  Exceptions : 0

 Publish Topic Default Action : disallow

  Exceptions : 1

  Syntax Topics

  ------ --------------------------------------------------------------------


 Subscribe Topic Default Action : disallow

  Exceptions : 1

  Syntax Topics

  ------ --------------------------------------------------------------------


 Subscribe Share Name Default Action : allow

  Exceptions : 0




  • mstobo
    mstobo Member, Employee Posts: 26 Solace Employee

    Hi Matthias,

    As you are using a Paho client, you should switch the syntax of your ACL exception to MQTT from SMF. Notice the syntax of the expression as well as the MQTT choice in the syntax dropdown.



  • Matthias
    Matthias Member Posts: 4


    Thx Matthew.

    I can see all my things work, except disconnect on fail topic subscribe.

    How can i trigger also a disconnect on "not correct topic" subscribe ?

    ...that's the question.

    let's make as joke: to be or not to be... incl. disconnect - Howto ?




  • mstobo
    mstobo Member, Employee Posts: 26 Solace Employee

    Hi Matthias,

    You won't be disconnected on the "not correct topic" subscribe. An exception will be thrown back to the client, and you can choose how to handle it such as "disconnect."


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