Mule Solace Connector

How do we define the Number of Consumers if we are subscribing to a partitioned queue using the mulesoft solace connector.

Using the JMS connector this option is available but on the mulesoft solace connector this is not available



  • Aaron
    Aaron Member, Administrator, Moderator, Employee Posts: 667 admin

    Hi @Krishna_1 , welcome to the Community..! I checked with some people and apparently this isn't supported today in the current connector: multiple consumers on the same flow. Obviously, you could run mutliple flows, but that adds more things to manage… not as ideal. I'll make sure our Product Management team know this is a requested feature.

  • Krishna_1
    Krishna_1 Member Posts: 4

    Thanks @Aaron for your prompt reply. In similar lines are you able to confirm on the Solace Publish connector. I do not see an option to add JMSXGroupID as in JMS Config to make sure the message is delivered to the same partition using the same key.

    Can you please confirm ..

  • Aaron
    Aaron Member, Administrator, Moderator, Employee Posts: 667 admin

    Unfortunately, I don't know our Mulesoft connector, hopefully someone else can jump in here. But: it should be available to just set as a User Property on your publisher..? The partition key is just a regular user property.