Timeout happened when reading response from the router when connecting to Solace

Dhanusri Member Posts: 15 ✭✭

Please find below the error observed, when connecting to Solace PubSub Event broker from Boomi application.

Process terminating -- some documents reached an exception which is set to halt all documents: [400] (Client name: GLCHBS-SP221335.eu.novartis.net/3830954/1c5ce0509/Pw3AJ4XZk9   Local port: -1   Remote addr: ems-eu.novartis.net  Remote port: 55555) - Timeout happened when reading response from the router.

This is happening often when the bulk data at once being published to Solace from Boomi.

Is there anything that could be configured at Solace end wrt the timeout aspects.


  • amackenzie
    amackenzie Member, Employee Posts: 264 Solace Employee

    What is the Boomi process doing? Is the start shape a Solace listener?

    When you say "bulk", how big is the batch size? How big are the messages? It works fine with smaller batch sizes?

  • Aaron
    Aaron Member, Administrator, Moderator, Employee Posts: 611 admin

    If doing big messages, maybe check this out: JCSMP Best Practices (solace.com)