Receiving of messages on single queue with multiple consumers

Manikanta532 Member Posts: 19 ✭✭
edited February 2022 in PubSub+ Event Broker #1

we have a project which is using solace queue and has 3 consumers after it was deployed.
If the messages comes on that queue expected order of receiving is

If lets say the Message1 is not acknowleded, how the messages are processed, does the message 2 goes to Q2 or Q1.
we observed behavior of it going to Q1.Is that correct, any insights on this will be helpful.


  • Neha
    Neha Member, Employee Posts: 5 Solace Employee

    So what I understand from your question, there is a single Queue and three consumers are bound to it.
    The message delivery behavior will depend on whether the Queue Access Type is exclusive or non-exclusive (Please see this link for the details:

    So if the access type is Exclusive, the message will always go to a single consumer. Other consumers will be in Standby mode and will get the message only if the active consumer is not available.
    If the Access type is non-exclusive, messages will be delivered to all consumer in round-robin manner.

    Hope this clarifies your doubt.


  • Manikanta532
    Manikanta532 Member Posts: 19 ✭✭

    Hi Neha,
    Yes, you are right.we are having non-exclusive queues, but still if first message is not acknowledged , still the next coming messages should be received in round robin fashion right ?

  • swenhelge
    swenhelge Member, Employee Posts: 80 Solace Employee

    you may find this blog helpful ...
    If your queue is using "exclusive" access mode messages will not be round robin'd amongst consumers in any case except for the original exclusive consumer disappearing/disconnecting.

  • marc
    marc Member, Administrator, Moderator, Employee Posts: 973 admin

    @Manikanta532 said:
    Hi Neha,
    Yes, you are right.we are having non-exclusive queues, but still if first message is not acknowledged , still the next coming messages should be received in round robin fashion right ?

    Hi @Manikanta532,
    Yes you are correct. If Consumer 1 is processing Message 1 then other consumers can process messages 2,3, etc. prior to message 1 being acknowledged if you're using a non-exclusive queue.

  • Aaron
    Aaron Member, Administrator, Moderator, Employee Posts: 668 admin
    edited June 2020 #6

    Hey, I talked about this question and answers on my weekly Tuesday office hours. Check it out... (skip to 8m48s)