Solace Docker Issue @ Windows Home

I'm trying to install docker on my Windows 10 Home desktop box, but unable install with following error. Please suggest any workaroud for this issue without upgrading my windows OS
Thanks in advance!
I don't have a Windows machine to try it out, but this thread might have some useful information:
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@Kuladeep you might be able to install docker desktop on WSL2. As far as I know WSL2 is supported on Window 10 home and the newer versions of Docker Desktop support installing on WSL2. You need to have Windows 10 version 2004 to install WSL2.
(I think this is what the "Windows 10 Home (19018+)" part of the error message is referring to)3 -
Yeah, I'm still waiting for Windows Build 2004 to be available for my laptop. :-(
Last major release came out November 2019... my laptop finally downloaded it and installed in February!! 3 months later. I hope I don't have to wait that long again b/c I really want to play with WSL2..!
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Thanks @arih, given link has have almost meet requirement to windows 10 home, but again at one point where i need to enable Virtualization but it again need to upgrade my OS to either pro or enterpise version. So kept this now on hold and waiting for next updates.
Hardware Virtualization System Requirements
Windows 10 Pro or Enterprise0 -
@pkondrat, i have reviewd WSL2 requirements as mentioned, but here also i'm unlucky as my current OS still way beyond 1903, and feature update to Windows 10 version 2004 says on its way
... will wait for that and untill then will try as much as i can from cloud pubsub+
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Docker isn't available on Windows 10 Home because it relies on HyperV which is not part of Home.
WSL2 should run docker (it's then docker for Linux, not docker for Windows as you are running in a Linux VM which is what WSL2 is).
As for getting Windows 10 2004, you don't have to wait. If you go to the Windows Media Creation tool, the image you bring down is Windows 10 2004. I am not sure you can actually upgrade this way, but you can certainly install Windows 10 2004. I have Windows 10 2004 on my work laptop and 2 home PCs. I upgraded my work PC but the 2 at home I reinstalled. I generally prefer reinstalling Windows to upgrading. YMMV.1 -
Docker for Windows has an option to install on to WSL2. While technically it is Docker for Linux, you download and install it though Windows and the installer takes care of setting up the Docker CLI in powershell etc. (if you want to use powershell as is common for users familiar with Docker for Windows).
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@amackenzie, upgraded to Windows new version, but as you said Home versions don't support Hipver-V option, hence there is no way to install docker using WSL2 option on Home based versions on Windows 10. Now thinking to upgrade windows pro sooner..
@pkondrat , thanks for sharing these inputs, tried many ways, tried docker toolbox but again it needs Hiper v enable which is unsupported. as mentioned will try to upgrade OS to pro sooner to fix these once for all0 -
@Kuladeep did you see this page? It suggests that it is possible to install Docker Desktop on Windows 10 Home with WSL2. -
I should add that if that doesn't work then you should be able to install docker straight into WSL2 as @amackenzie suggests by following the Ubuntu install instructions on the Docker site.
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Yes, I have docker running on WSL2 on a personal machine running Win10 Home. Works great.
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@pkondrat and @amackenzie.. thanks for the links shared. Enabled visualization at BIOS fixed the installation issue and able to install solace container as well. But one thing noticed while running this setup.. its taking High CPU/Memory usage almost hitting 95% to 100%... anyways finally it worked
and this issue resovlved. Thanks gain.