How to use/ enable oAuth2 in spring cloud stream to connect to Solace broker ?
I have implemented spring cloud solace binder to consume messages from Solace Queue. I am using Azure OAuth and registered the app as well as enabled OAuth on the solace broker. I am having hard time finding Oauth properties to connect to solace binder. Referred to various dev tutorials and could only find below properties…
How to connect XASession of Solace JMS API with Weblogic Database XAConnection?
Hi Team, Am looking for a way to connect solace XASession with database XA connection (my datasource is on weblogic server) so that if the query execution fails, solace transaction should be rollback when db transaction.rollback is called; and same with commit statement. Or vice-versa - if solace transaction is rolled…
Troubleshooting frequent / high amounts of fragmentation on an event broker
Hi all, Trying to get a better understanding of fragmentation and potential culprits of high amounts of fragmentation occurring in a particular event broker. Defragmentation is running daily on a schedule, not threshold. But we are seeing within an hour after defrag runs successfully the estimated fragmentation reaches 99%…
java.lang.ClassCastException: Solace QueueProxy cannot be cast to Weblogic DestinationImpl
Hey Guys, I was recently introduced to Solace and am trying to deploy a sample Pub/Sub application using JMS API on a local Weblogic server but ran into this class cast error which I cant seem to find a solution for. I have created a topic "MyTopic" which is subscribed by a queue, "MyQueue" and also configured the JNDI…
K8s industrial environment
Hi guys, im the new guy, with a lot of questions - hopefully you can help me :-) I want to check if the solace broker is a good solution for our industrial k8s environments. (1) Im wondering because i cant find any helm charts for a production deployment, how do you guys operate your broker in a ha environment? I found the…
TTLs & Message Processing
Dear Experts, I am trying to use JCSMP client and I have three questions w.r.t message processing at client side and TTL : I have realised that if a message expires just at the moment it is being listened to at the client side, the message would be processed by client and also re-delivered via DMQ (as I am listening to DMQ…
How to export queue configuration with SEMP API
I'm building a process to integrate Solace with CI/CD, where we need to export the queues from Dev to UAT as part of the deployment process. Basically developer create the queues in DEV using UI and then its moved to upper envs with automation. I could not find a way to export specific queues configurations using SEMP,…
TLS port not working after TLS enabling on a deployed Solace Broker
Hello, I have deployed a Solace Broker software helm chart which I've found on artifact hub -> There I have accessed a "Default values" section where I have downloaded a yaml configuration file in order to adjust it according to my needs. As a default setting we have a disabled TLS property (image below) -> At this point…
How to return 'show current-config all' using SEMP API
Trying to construct an API request for the 'show current-config all' CLI command but not sure if this is possible for the SEMP API. Does anyone know if this is possible? Here is what I have tried with python. ``` requestBody = "<rpc><show><current-config><all/></current-config></show></rpc>" requestResponseObject =…
AMQP Service Port set to 0 after fresh install, but still active
Installing latest solace-standard. Under System > Service netstat -tulpn on the active broker in an HA setup: ipv6 ipv4 When trying to set it to 5671:
How do I non-destructively view a message payload of the most recent message in a queue?
I've come across this issue a few times recently. The two tools I've tried using are JMSToolbox and SDKPerf. I've found neither really have the documentation or resources to help with this. The problem I'm having is I have large queues and DMQs (some with 2M+ messages) and we are trying to determine the payloads of these…
Understanding the "connect retries per host" and ""connect retries" properties.
Let's imagine the situation that I have: number of solace hosts: 3 connect retries: 2 connect retries per host: 4 What would be the final number of retries, if it would be 24, like 2 x 4 per host? Or how it would work?
How to connect to pre-provisioned queue in solace using spring cloud stream ?
I am using @StreamListner, created input binding of type SubscribableChannel & trying to connect to a pre-provisioned queue and used similar configurations as suggested in previous comment but i am not able to bind consumer with queue . Getting error - "EL1008E: Property or field 'isAnonymous' cannot be found on object of…
Gettting JCSMPTransportException in AWS Solace HA environments
I'm getting this error below when HA configured Solace instances on AWS javax.jms.JMSException: Error sending message - transport error ((JCSMPTransportException) Error receiving data from underlying connection.) at java.base/jdk.internal.reflect.NativeConstructorAccessorImpl.newInstance0(Native Method) at…
How to connect XASession of Solace JCSMP API with Weblogic Database XAConnection?
Hi team, I am looking for a way to connect solace XASession with database XA connection (my datasource is on weblogic server) so that if the query execution fails, solace transaction should rollback when db transaction.rollback is called; and same with commit statement. Or vice-versa - if solace transaction is rolled back,…
Authentication using only certificate
Hi All, Is it possible to authenticate using only certificate? without clientUsername and clientPassword, i tested below setup but got 401 authentication error. Any help is appreciated, thank you. solace: java: host: tcps:// msgVpn: default connectRetries: -1 reconnectRetries: -1 apiProperties:…
SSL/TLS connection rejected by remote host
Below error is triggered and fills the log file event and system log files. Please assist what could be the issue. 2021-08-25T09:46:47.432+00:00 <local3.info> **** SOLACEINFO: SYSTEM: SYSTEM_SSL_CONNECTION_REJECTED: - - SSL Connection rejected: reason (Connection closed by remote host); connection to from…
Configuring Solace with Ansible : ERROR! couldn't resolve module/action 'solace_client_username'
Hi there, I am trying to use Ansible to configure solace (create client usernames and acl-profles) however i get an Error (at least one right now). The error says: ERROR! couldn't resolve module/action 'solace_client_username'. This often indicates a misspelling, missing collection, or incorrect module path.The error…
Automating configuration with cli scripts
Hi, Is there an option to automate configuration scripts written with cli commands. For example: enableconfiguremessage-pool message-vpn defaultcreate queue <MYQUEUE>no shutdownexitexitexit Having a file create_queue.sh with above statements and execute a command something like: solacectl cli create_queue.sh. Is there any…
Granular access for a Message-VPN user on Solace Cloud.
Hi, Two general questions: 1> Do we have any granular level access on Message-VPN ? For now I can see only these two READ and READ-WRITE. We want to have users on Message VPN but with controlled access. 2> Is there any provision (or suggestion) to have the logic (consumer business logic) and configuration (queue creation +…
how to copy certs to solace using cli
As per the doc, it was told to use the sftp command to copy certs from the remote host to /certs folder of solace. But, when am trying the same its throwing error: solace-ac> copy sftp://root@****/tmp/caserver.pem /certs/caserver.pem Invalid command input copy sftp://root@****/tmp/caserver.pem /certs/caserver.pem ^ ->…
Unable to setup SSL based replication between two HA triplets
Hi, I have two HA triplets and I am trying to setup the SSL based native Solace Replication (Async) between them. Attempt 1: I generated server certificate with following instructions: openssl req -x509 -newKey rsa:4096 -keyout certs/solace_server.key -out certs/solace_server.crt -days 365cat certs/solace_server.key…
Questions on Config-Sync between mates in HA Group and Replication
Hi, It appears that when config-sync is enabled in a HA-Group and Replication mates, it is provisioning additional MessageVPN and Queues. I have a few questions on the same: * As it is provisioning the additional VPN and queues, does it mean config-sync between mates in a HA-Group and Replication Group is asynchronous? *…