Weird chars at start of text payload!?
Hi all! I'm making a definitive post about this because it's been asked countless times, and I still can't find a good "one-page" reference response. The issue: sometimes you'll see weird characters at the beginning of your text payload. For example, this is from the JCSMP HelloWorld sample: Destination: Topic…
How to achieve Topic + Queue mechanism using NodeJS & AMQP
Hello, I'm using NodeJS as my tech stack and created a Queue and that queue is subscribed to the topic. Mechanism: Publish a message to the topic and subscribe to the msg from the queue, basically Topic to Queue Mapping. Query: I want to build the above mechanism using the AMQP protocol with NodeJS. Tried Approach: I've…
handle Throw error in Pub/Sub Pattern in Javascript
Hello, I am trying to get my head around how error with a publisher in javascript. When I invoke a failed connection via false credentials the following code snippet is executed in the Publisher code: publisher.session.on(solace.SessionEventCode.CONNECT_FAILED_ERROR, function (sessionEvent) { publisher.log('Connection…
Proxy Solace Connection with Javascript
I am using the solclientjs https://www.npmjs.com/package/solclientjs and need to use a proxy. Is this possible? I tried the settings from https://docs.solace.com/API/API-Developer-Guide/Session-Props-Required.htm#Creating_ent_sessions_sess_props_host_proxies but could not get a connection. Which library is solclientjs…
JavaScript API > Error: Operation is invalid for Message Consumer in disconnected
I am new to the Solace Javascript API and trying to read messages from a queue in the PubSub+ Broker Manager. I kept running into the following error when calling solace.QueueBrowser. Uncaught OperationError: Operation is invalid for Message Consumer in disconnected state The funny thing is, when I run the script for a…
Javascript API > Return a specific range of messages from a queue without consuming them.
I have a use case where I'd like to browse a specific subset of messages from a queue. Example: 100 messages on a queue. We'd like to browse messages 20 to 30 without returning all 100 messages. I don't want to consume these messages so I think a QueueBrowser would suit, however, I can't see support for this in the…
Missing Typescript declaration file from latest version
Hi, when installing the latest solclientjs package (10.12.0) via npm/yarn, there is no index.d.ts file in the package root. This results in Typescript complaining about a missing declaration. I have had to downgrade to 10.11.0.
Window size(prefetch) control of unacknowledged message in Node.js
The messages in our system need to be processed in sequential (we expect the message to be handled one after another) and we are trying to build a queue consumer with the liberary solclientjs. (https://www.npmjs.com/package/solclientjs) I read some blogs and posts that mentioned two keywords the flow windowSize and…
Clarify Default Values for properties on setters in Solace API Libraries
Solace comes along with many settings and when using libraries the settings an be changed via setters. Let's take an example: DMQEligible In JCSMP: (good as mentioning default) https://docs.solace.com/API-Developer-Online-Ref-Documentation/java/index.html on Message Class it states clearly what is the default. "Set the…
Do you use TypeScript?
There were several discussions in the community about using typescript definitions with our JavaScript API. We have just updated our Samples repo to include the type definition file. Check it out in more details here! https://github.com/SolaceSamples/solace-samples-javascript…
Using NodeJS to "eavesdrop" on Microgateway messages
Hi there, I have a Microgateway set-up and I'm trying to eavesdrop/ audit messages using NodeJS but I'm encountering some apparent limitations with the API. How is it possible for me to access HTTP Content-Type, Content-Encoding, Accept-Encoding headers using NodeJS? It's common for REST payload to be encoded using gzip,…
Mobile Apps
The JavaScript libraries make mention of mobile client applications, can they be used in react-native? if not what is the recommended approach for integrating solace with mobile apps?
replay of message by clinet using JS web messaging API
I tried repalying the message using the messagereplay.html file. [17:17:56] Starting message replay for queue: TQUEUEREP1 [17:17:56] === Error: the message consumer could not bind to queue "TQUEUEREP1" === Ensure this queue exists on the message router vpn The queue exists on the router, i tried another queue as well, it…
JavaScript, Solace + SSL (HTTPS, WSS)
Hi all - I have a web based JavaScript/React (no Node JS) app currently using the Solace JavaScript client successfuly. Due to company demands we are being told to convert to using secure connections (understandable). I have looked at the sample below which seems to suggest you can use basic authentication while using…
Differences between JS and .NET sdk's?
Hello! I am currently using the JS and .NET sdk's to connect to and publish messages to a pub/sub+ instance. Initially, I was using the JS sdk and have had no problems publishing persistent messages to a topic and having a durable queue subscribed to that topic. The messages are getting properly sent and picked up by the…