Troubleshooting frequent / high amounts of fragmentation on an event broker
Hi all, Trying to get a better understanding of fragmentation and potential culprits of high amounts of fragmentation occurring in a particular event broker. Defragmentation is running daily on a schedule, not threshold. But we are seeing within an hour after defrag runs successfully the estimated fragmentation reaches 99%…
C# - Solace Queue Message not reading and missing sometime
I have referred sample code provided by the Solace team for implemented Pub/Sub Queue message (https://github.com/SolaceSamples/solace-samples-dotnet) Sample code is implemented part of Microsoft .Net 6 Worker service and scheduled to run every 30 mins. I am facing new issue and i really don't know what went wrong in my…
Parsing characters from Binary data
Hi @marc @Aaron @all I am deserialising some stream of binary data using the payload format as — typedef struct { char messageType; // 'N' or 'G' ('N' – New Normal Order, 'G' – New Spread Order) long timestamp; // Numeric Time in nanoseconds from 01-Jan-1980 00:00:00 double orderID; // Numeric Day Unique Order Reference…
cache request on python
I use CachedMessageSubscriptionRequest.cached_first to call cache data but I got Fail on_completion CacheRequestOutcomeListenerHandler:CacheRequestOutcome.FAILED, cache_request_id:3 exception:Unable to send cache request. Caller Description: On cache request send. Error Info Sub code: [1]. Error: [Only…
Cache request on python
I found that solace PubSub+ 1.6.0 support cache But I follow this step to do cache request I can not receive the cache message from direct_receiver.receive_async(MessageHandlerExample()) but I can use DirectMessageReceiver.add_subscription to get message(CacheStatus.LIVE). and I also develope C# code it allowed call…
Failed to consume a message from destination Queue
I am using Spring cloud stream 2021.0.2 to consume messages from queue, when some messages are sent , I can see the message get spooled continously in the queue but It is not coming inside application and processed because of below exception. Please help org.springframework.messaging.MessagingException: Incorrect type…
.net sdk writing directly to solcache
Is there a method of writing messages directly to topics stored in solcache without current subscribers receiving the message. Wondering if message filters is the best method of doing this.
Solace Appliance Active-Active with Message persistence
Hi, we are working on a solution with Solace PubSub+ Appliance deployed in 2 Data Centers with Active-Active cluster, cloud Solace Software with Active-Passive across 2 AZs. Enable event-mesh solution with message persistence. My query here is, can message persistence be achieved to store consumed messages for the duration…
Does Python have this Cache Session??
For C#,I can use SendCacheRequest to get a synchronous cache request. But in Python I can't find any package allow request cache session? can any one help me? Thank you.
Solace SpringCloudStream PubSub model using durable topic endpoint
We have a requirement to stop listening to queue when any error occurred while processing. We are on Kubernates and we have many instances of an application which listening to the same queue, so if i try to stop listening to queue using the service name it stops only one instance others still listening to the queue. As in…
Solace - Spring cloud stream binder.
I found strange issue with my app. Application should have the bind count to 20 (4 Instance, Each with default 5 concurrency) but it went down to 2, the consumers for that queue stopped consuming and message started to spool. When i added another instance of the service the bind count went upto 7 and messages were consumed…
Error registering listner:Transactions not supported [condition = amqp:not-implemented]
Hello, I am trying to register listeners dynamically to the queues whose names can be fetched at runtime. I am using the JmsListenerEndpointRegistrar from spring for dynamic listener registration. My application is started, and connection to solace broker gets established but the listener invocation fails with the…
Cache instance status NotAvail in Docker demo instance
Hi guys, noob question. I am trying to setup most basic cache configuration. I am running this in linux container on Windwos 10 in WSL2. Commands: _docker run -d -p 8080:8080 -p 55555:55555 --shm-size=1g --env username_admin_globalaccesslevel=admin --env username_admin_password=admin --name=solace…
How can I clear the statistics on the broker for my SolCache instance?
This can be done through a clear command (clear cache-instance) at the enable level of the CLI, one level down from the config level. You can see information about it by running " clear cache-instance ? "
Consume from Durable Topic Endpoint using JCSMP
I want to subscribe to a Durable Topic endpoint. I am able to subscribe to the direct topic. But my program is not working to when I try to subscribe from DTE. Program: final JCSMPProperties properties = new JCSMPProperties(); properties.setProperty(JCSMPProperties.HOST, host); // host:port…
Solace Cache in Pubsub+ Configuration Help
I'd like to set up a last-value cache with our test cluster in PubSub+. There is a 'Caches' page under 'Advanced Messaging', but I've not managed to work out the relationship between distributed caches, cache clusters, cache instances and home cache clusters. Can anyone point me at any documentation that would help me? My…
Solace PubSub+ Cache Timestamp
Hi there, everybody, is there a way in the Solace Java API (JCSMP) to retrieve a received-timestamp from Solace Pubsub+ cache messages ? In other words a timestamp of when the cache received the message. We use the cache as a kind of last value store and would like to use board-level tools to query when a specific topic…