Solace Community is getting a facelift!

On March 3rd we will be starting the process of migrating Solace Community to a new platform. As a result, Solace Community will go in to a temporary read-only state. You will still be able to come onto Solace Community and search through posts to find answers, but you won't be able to ask questions, post comments, or react in any way.

We hope to have the migration complete by Wednesday March 5th (or sooner), so please keep an eye out!

How to identify wich Appliance is active, any SEMP Query avalable ????

Muddam_Pullaiah Member Posts: 20
edited February 2022 in General Discussions #1

Hi All,
We have 4 Appliance (Prod and DR), so when I fire SEMP query (it will come blind count and current message in the queue) will get all queue start, And that SEMP query is automated. And last week my Appliance failover from primary to secondary and I didn't get any data from that SEMP query, so is their any SEMP query avalable to identify which Appliance is active.
If yes please provide the SEMP query, so based on that I will modify my existing SEMP query.



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