Understanding and Testing the PubSub+ Event Portal REST API

Magali_Boulet Member, Employee Posts: 10 Solace Employee

Are you looking for a way to automate the creation of Events and Schemas, update subscribing/publishing Apps in your Event Portal environment? Have a look at the blog post: https://solace.com/blog/testing-the-pubsub-event-portal-rest-api/ to get an overview of the Event Portal REST API, and get some examples.



  • Great article @Magali_Boulet - thanks for sharing!

  • rajeshdns
    rajeshdns Member Posts: 30 ✭✭

    Good one.. Will try out..

  • rajeshdns
    rajeshdns Member Posts: 30 ✭✭

    Is there any API approach to integrate in any existing API portal, reason behind my ask is : As part of digitalization most of the companies are moving towards APIs where I could see Event Driven , Async API's are not have solid end to end access compare to REST, we are getting EDA related use cases and trying to derive those in API model, in that case base requirement is , enable all these solutions thorugh API's . Was searching for that data and could not able to find..

  • Magali_Boulet
    Magali_Boulet Member, Employee Posts: 10 Solace Employee

    Combining Web APIs and Event APIs brings lots of value. And API Management solutions have been providing API portals for years. We, at Solace, have chosen to support AsyncAPI for exposing/describing Event APIs, as a kind of an equivalent to openAPI specification. Our Event Portal already supports AsyncAPI 2.0.
    So getting back to your question: is Event Portal going to be able to integrate with Web API Portals? This is something we are already thinking of. We are aiming to expose our runtime discovery feature to be able to integrate with any Event Broker solution (I’m sure you’ve noticed that Event Portal can discover events from Kafka already). So why not integrating with API gateways exposing RESTful endpoints. And most probably API Management solutions will support AsyncAPI as well.

  • rajeshdns
    rajeshdns Member Posts: 30 ✭✭

    Exactly, as i mentioned client looking towards APIs where EDA and Async APIs are needed more clarity for easy discoverable... Yes, my idea is integrating eda apis with our existing api gateway.. (managing end to end APIs in one place).. Looks like i need to explore more on event portal.. Thanks for data points..

  • Magali_Boulet
    Magali_Boulet Member, Employee Posts: 10 Solace Employee

    Yes, I would encourage you to have a look at the Event Portal, especially the Runtime Discovery piece. The online doc gives you some explanations of the concepts https://docs.solace.com/Solace-Cloud/Event-Portal/event-portal.htm but i guess trying this by yourself is even better https://solace.com/products/portal/ Good luck!

  • rajeshdns
    rajeshdns Member Posts: 30 ✭✭

    Thanks @Magali_Boulet , started exploring and crated some sample application to integrate with webmethods io : poc for webhooks using Solace and webmethods io (iPaaS from Software AG) .

  • Magali_Boulet
    Magali_Boulet Member, Employee Posts: 10 Solace Employee

    In case you are not aware, my colleague @swenhelge has published a connector for Mulesoft https://github.com/solace-iot-team/solace-mule-connector. I'm also very much interested by your findings, in France we have some integration needs with Mulesoft

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