Solace Certifications now available to anybody! We want you to become #SolaceCertified

I'm excited to share that our Solace Certified program is now open to everyone. Some of you may have heard about the Solace Certification program since we launched it last summer (and I know there's quite a few folks here in the community that have earned their certification), but access was limited. That's all changed and now you can start your journey to become Solace Certified today!

Here's what you need to know:

  1. Our certification program has a both free and paid certifications available. Learn more about our Certification program here:
  2. To get started you'll need to register for a new account or log in to your existing Solace Training account here:
  3. Our free Solutions Consultant certification can be started using this learning path
  4. The Certification exam guide outlines all the details of the exam itself.
  5. All community users that complete a certification are eligible for the Solace Certified community badge.
  6. We'll continually improving and adding to the certifications available. Stay tuned for more certifications coming soon!

Have you earned your Solace Certification already? Let us know in the comments below and we'll make sure you get your community badge!


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