How to connect XASession of Solace JCSMP API with Weblogic Database XAConnection?

rdoshi Member Posts: 2

Hi team, I am looking for a way to connect solace XASession with database XA connection (my datasource is on weblogic server) so that if the query execution fails, solace transaction should rollback when db transaction.rollback is called; and same with commit statement. Or vice-versa - if solace transaction is rolled back, db transaction should also be rolled back.

Any help is appreciated.


  • amackenzie
    amackenzie Member, Employee Posts: 270 Solace Employee

    XA transactions are not supported in JCSMP. XA is only available in Solace JMS.

  • rdoshi
    rdoshi Member Posts: 2
    edited 2022 15 #3

    @amackenzie Then why is there a class XASession in the JCSMP jar?