Solace Exposing Event Broker Services to External Traffic (outside k8 cluster)

shyam Member Posts: 1

Hi Team,

I have installed Solace through helm on k8 cluster, i would like to expose it through mqtt - 8883 amqps - 5671 https - 1443

some one please help me how can i expose above solace outside k8 cluster


I have gone through below docs as well,



  • marc
    marc Member, Administrator, Moderator, Employee Posts: 973 admin

    Hi @shyam,

    It looks like the doc page you referenced shows exactly what you want to do. Which option did you choose and are you getting a specific error?

  • Dennis Brinley
    Dennis Brinley Member, Employee Posts: 3 Solace Employee

    @shyam - The Solace PubSub+ helm chart should have created a loadbalancer service. The loadbalancer defines the endpoint for external access.

    kubectl get svc -n [installation namespace]

    Check for "TYPE" == Loadbalancer. Use "EXTERNAL-IP" of the loadbalancer as endpoint definition. The endpoint must be reachable according to network access rules.

    Also, you are referencing secure endpoints. Is the broker configured with a public certificate + DNS name or a self-signed certificate?

    Finally, for a software broker installation, you may need to enable the ports on the broker itself IF you are not using the "default" Message VPN. Connect to the console on port 8080 (use port forwarding if necessary), select your message VPN, and then go to the "Services" tab... configure. You do not need to take this step if you are simply trying to connect to the default message VPN.